Wednesday 27 December 2017

Jcl forex

Opcje binarne: oszustwo lub szansa We8217 otrzymuje coraz więcej umów na kodowanie binarnych strategii opcyjnych. Co daje nam nieco nieczyste sumienie. ponieważ te opcje są powszechnie rozumiane jako schemat oddzielania naiwnych kupców od ich pieniędzy. I ich brokerzy nie robią naprawdę dobrego wrażenia na pierwszy rzut oka. Niektóre są regulowane na Cyprze pod fałszywym adresem, inne nie są w ogóle regulowane. Rozprowadzają sfabrykowane historie o ogromnych zyskach z robotami lub EA. Mówi się, że manipulują ich krzywymi cenowymi, aby zapobiec wygranej. A jeśli nadal to robisz, niektórzy odmawiają wypłaty. i ostatecznie znikają bez śladu (ale z twoimi pieniędzmi). To są historie o brokerach opcji binarnych. Czy opcje binarne są niczym innym, jak oszustwem, czy też oferują ukrytą możliwość, że nawet ich brokerzy często nie są świadomi opcji binarnych, w swojej najczęstszej postaci bardzo różnią się od rzeczywistych opcji. Są to zakład, że cena aktywów wzrośnie lub spadnie w określonym przedziale czasowym. Jeśli wygrasz zakład, broker płaci stawkę pomnożoną przez współczynnik wypłaty wygranej w zakresie 75..95. Jeśli przegrasz, płacisz stawkę minus możliwy wypłatę strat. Nie handlujesz przeciwko rynkowi, ale przeciwko brokerowi. Broker musi cię stracić, w przeciwnym razie nie osiągnie zysku. Nawet jeśli naprawdę wygrywa twoje wygrane, a nawet jeśli nie manipuluje krzywą cenową, nadal może kontrolować twój zysk z jego czynnikami wypłat. Wygląda więc na to, że nawet gdybyś miał wygrywający system, pośrednik po prostu zmniejszyłby wypłatę, aby upewnić się, że przegrasz na dłuższą metę. Jednak ten wniosek jest błędny. W rzeczywistości może to być korzystne dla brokera oferującego wypłatę, która pozwala wygrywać, o ile większość innych graczy wciąż przegrywa. Broker nie ma możliwości arbitralnego zmniejszenia wypłaty. He8217 konkurują z innymi brokerami. Ale dlaczego i tak chcesz handlować opcjami binarnymi, kiedy możesz także wymienić się poważnymi instrumentami? W niektórych krajach, poza korzyściami podatkowymi, istnieje jeden nieodparty powód, który może sprawić, że eksperyment będzie warty zachodu. Koszt transakcji opcji binarnej prawie nie zależy od ram czasowych. Możesz handlować w bardzo krótkich ramach czasowych. Byłoby to trudne, jeśli nie niemożliwe, dla handlowców detalicznych z normalnym brokerem. Możesz znaleźć omówienie tego problemu w artykule Skalowanie. Binarna matematyka skalowania Wymaganą minimalną stawkę wygranych dla handlu binarnego można obliczyć na podstawie wygranych brokera8217: W przypadku wygranej 85 wygranych i bez wypłaty strat, potrzebna jest stawka wygranej wynosząca 54 stawki wygranej w krótkich ramach czasowych. Koszty transakcyjne nie binarnego, tradycyjnego brokera wymagałyby znacznie wyższego wskaźnika wygranych, jak na poniższym wykresie z artykułu Skalowanie: W normalnych warunkach trzeba było wygrać prawie 80 pięciominutowych transakcji 8211 dla systemu transakcyjnego, chyba że możesz wymusić ten wskaźnik wygranych za pomocą kilku sztuczek, które jednak pomogłyby uzyskać dostęp do strefy zysku. Tak więc mniejsze koszty transakcji w niskich ramach czasowych są oczywistą korzyścią z handlu opcjami binarnymi. Ze wszystkimi dodatkowymi korzyściami wynikającymi z niskich czasów, takich jak więcej danych o backtestach i krótsze okresy wyprzedaży w handlu na żywo. Ale jak możemy to wykorzystać? Istnieją trzy problemy do rozwiązania. Trzy kroki do potencjalnego zysku binarnego Znajdź strategię, której stawka wygranej jest lepsza niż W ustalona z powyższą formułą wypłat. Należy jednak pamiętać, że ceny w małych ramach czasowych zależą silnie od zasilania. Aby być po bezpiecznej stronie, przetestuj za pomocą różnych źródeł danych o cenach (np. HistData, Oanda i FXCM) i utrzymuj kilka procent punktów powyżej minimalnego W. Znajdź sposób na handel zautomatyzowany. Brokerzy binarni często nie chcą tego robić. W związku z tym nie oferują platformy ani interfejsu API do automatycznego handlu. Ale wszystkie mają interfejs sieciowy. Potrzebujesz oprogramowania do wysyłania naciśnięć klawiszy i kliknięć myszą do strony internetowej lub innych środków, aby przekazać swoje transakcje pośrednikowi. Znajdź brokera, który jest w połowie uczciwy. Przynajmniej jeden, który pozwala naprawdę zebrać twoje zyski. Wszyscy brokerzy binarni ułatwiają wpłatę, ale niektórzy postępują zgodnie z filozofią: 8220Jeśli dałeś mi to, to jest to moje 8221 Dokonaj próbnych wypłat zanim złożysz duże kwoty. Utrzymuj mały stan konta. Sprawdź możliwość brokera8217 do manipulowania krzywą ceny. im więcej klientów mają i im więcej zakładów obstawiają, tym trudniej manipulować bez przyciągania uwagi. Odzyskaj jak najwięcej informacji na temat swojego brokera: Gdzie naprawdę się znajdują Z jakiegoś powodu, oszuści wydają się skoncentrowani w Tel Awiwie. Sprawdź, co klienci mówią o tym brokerze 8211, ale pamiętaj: pozytywne oświadczenia na forach przedsiębiorcy są często sadzone przez samego brokera. Wszystkie te problemy sprawiają, że handel opcjami binarnymi jest podobny do 8220messy8221. Jednak są to niechlujne metody, które czasami oferują najlepsze możliwości. Ed Thorp zarobił pierwsze miliony dzięki strategii Blackjacka i metodzie oszacowania wartości warrantów, uważanych również za niechlujne i trudne do wyliczenia. Krok 1: Krzywa ceny systemu A nie jest przypadkowym spacerem przez większość czasu. Kiedy koszty transakcyjne nie mają znaczenia, nie jest trudno znaleźć system z wygraną gt 54 na 5-minutowych paskach. Można na przykład wykorzystać średnią tendencję rewersji krótkich ram czasowych. Oto prosty przykład (skrypt dla Zorro): W powyższym kodzie C zdefiniowaliśmy indywidualną funkcję celu (), która optymalizuje system do binarnego handlu. Mierzy wydajność systemu jako liczbę zwycięskich transakcji podzieloną przez liczbę przegranych transakcji. W przeciwnym razie optymalizator polowałby na najsolidniejszy współczynnik zysku, co nie ma sensu dla handlu binarnego. Konfiguracja ustala okres 5 minut, co stanowi ramy czasowe naszych zakładów. Używamy 20 cykli WFO i pozwalamy optymalizatorowi używać wszystkich rdzeni procesora oprócz jednego. W ten sposób trening trwa około 5-10 minut przez 5 lat. Flaga BINARY aktywuje transakcje binarne, a my symulujemy brokera z wygraną w wysokości 85 wygranych i bez wypłaty strat. Mamy średni system zwrotów, który handluje, gdy obecna cena jest bliższa niż wartość progowa 8211, 1 z niedawnej zmienności 8211 na poprzednią wysoką lub niską. Okres czasu dla określenia wartości High i Low jest jedynym optymalizowanym przez nas parametrem systemowym. Możesz ulepszyć system na wiele sposobów, na przykład poprzez optymalizację również progu, modyfikując funkcję celu (), tak aby preferował on systemy z większą liczbą transakcji, oraz stosując filtr, który uniemożliwia obrót reżimami rynkowymi o niemodnym reaktywowaniu. Ponieważ obstawiamy cenę w 5 minut, we8217ve ustawiamy Czas Życia handlu na jeden pasek. Oto krzywa equity z 5-letniego testu na stopę z EURUSD: System ma około 56 kursów wygranych i znaczący, choć nie spektakularny, zwrot z inwestycji. Co nie jest osiągane przez surowy mechanizm średniej rewersji, ale głównie przez wzmacnianie niewielkich różnic cen wejścia-wyjścia przez handel binarny, nawet jeśli wypłata wynosi tylko 85. Nie uzyskasz podobnego wyniku przy konwencjonalnych transakcjach. Ten sam system, który nie handluje opcjami binarnymi, ale lewarowane pozycje walutowe daje bardzo odmienną krzywą kapitałową (do testowania, komentowania flagi BINARNEJ i ustawień wypłat w kodzie): przy tych samych transakcjach mamy teraz tylko 40 kursów wygranych i ogólnie stratę, ponieważ cały zysk handlowy jest pochłaniany przez spread i prowizję. Krok 2: Automatyzacja Jak pozwalasz swojemu skryptowi automatycznie wpisać zakład w odpowiednim momencie Jest to problem techniczny niezwiązany z handlem, ale pojawia się, gdy masz brokera z platformą internetową i nie masz odpowiedniego połączenia do automatyzacji. Tutaj znajduje się fragment kodu służący do wykrywania pozycji przycisków Kup i Sprzedaj na stronie internetowej oraz automatycznego klikania ich: Uruchom skrypt i poczekaj, aż strona broker8217 pojawi się w Twojej przeglądarce. Następnie postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami w oknie wiadomości Zorro8217. Zamień mysz na przycisk 8220Buy8221 i naciśnij prawy przycisk myszy. Następnie wykonaj to samo za pomocą przycisku 8220Sell8221. Skrypt będzie zapisywał pozycje przycisków, a następnie używał funkcji klawiszy do wysyłania kliknięć testowych do obu pozycji aktywnego okna. Do celów testowych I8217ve naśladował typową binarną platformę handlową brokera8217. Teraz wystarczy tylko skleić skrypt transakcyjny za pomocą skryptu kliknięcia przycisku i dostosować go do strony internetowej swojego brokera. Jest to ćwiczenie dla czytelnika. I lepiej korzystaj z ulepszonych wersji 8211, skrypty tutaj są proste do celów demonstracyjnych. Dopóki skrypt się handluje, upewnij się, że okno przeglądarki pozostaje na pierwszym planie, lub nie może kliknąć przycisków. W przypadku wielkości pozycji wprowadź stały rozmiar dla wszystkich pozycji lub pozwól skryptowi na kliknięcie w pole rozmiaru i wyślij pociągnięcia klawiszy, aby ustawić indywidualne rozmiary. Krok 3: Broker Oczywiście nie chcę polecać konkretnego brokera opcji binarnych. W końcu wszyscy są oszustami 8211, ale niektórzy są bardziej oszustami niż inni. Znalezienie odpowiedniego brokera jest również ćwiczeniem dla czytelnika. Binarne portale porównawcze brokerów są często 8211 niespodzianką, niespodzianką 8211 są instalowane i opłacane przez brokerów binarnych. Obywatele USA zwykle nie mogą handlować opcjami binarnymi z brokerami, którzy nie są regulowani w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Niektórzy brokerzy akceptują wpłatę, ale używają jej jako pretekstu do odmowy wypłaty. Jeśli nie jesteś obywatelem Izraela, możesz nie być akceptowanym przez wielu brokerów, ponieważ nie mogą oni dopuszczać się oszustów. Wnioski Często są to 8220messy8221 i pogardzane instrumenty handlowe, które wciąż mogą dawać szanse, kiedy są właściwie rozumiane. I8217ve przesłał dwa skrypty do repozytorium 2018. You8217ll potrzebuje Zorro 1.52 lub nowszego do ich uruchamiania (skrypty również działają z wersją 1.50, ale ta wersja miała błąd, który powodował niedokładne wyniki w handlu binarnym). Kiedy zyskujesz ogromne zyski dzięki opcjom binarnym, nie zapomnij, skąd pochodzą pieniądze: nie od pośrednika, ale od jego mniej szczęśliwych klientów, którzy być może po prostu nie przeczytali właściwego bloga. 47 myśli o opcjach bdquoBinary: Oszustwo lub Opportunityrdquo Ok, według autora jest to polecenie MQL4, aby postawić na rosnącą cenę za pomocą FX LITE: i odpowiedni kod Zorro: brokerCommand (SETORDERTEXT, BO exp: 60) enterLong (Rozmiar) 8220Size8221 to rozmiar pozycji w jednostkach minimalnego rozmiaru brokera8217, np. 1. 8220BO Exp: 8221 ustawia czas trwania w sekundach. Jeśli chcesz zmienić rozmiar pozycji w interfejsie internetowym broker8217s, to jest tak samo, jak po kliknięciu przycisków: pozwól skryptowi kliknąć pole rozmiaru, a następnie wyślij pociągnięcia klawiszy, aby ustawić rozmiar. Wielki wzmacniacz ciekawy przykład Johann 8211 dzięki za udostępnienie. Jak Zorro ocenia sukces opcji binarnych? Z kodu zestaw (BINARY) służy do automagicznej oceny sukcesu prognozy. W moich własnych symulacjach tego samego algorytmu (EURUSD, ostatnie 5 lat, 5-minutowe okresy), współczynnik wygranych wynosi około 60, jeśli średnia następnego okresu jest używana do określenia sukcesu 8211, ale 52, jeśli zostanie użyty koniec następnego okresu ( więcej hałaśliwych) Także niektórzy brokerzy opcji binarnych (jak indeks IG) podają cenę progową, która jest ich prognozą, gdzie cena rynkowa będzie za 5 minut. Nasz algorytm musi ustalić, czy cena rynkowa prawdopodobnie będzie wyższa niż własna prognoza maklerska po wygaśnięciu (nie cena rynkowa, gdy zakład zostanie postawiony). To jest trudne. Koniec jest używany przez Zorro. Średnia byłaby zła, ponieważ nie ma prawdziwej ceny. Jednak 5-minutowe dane zależą od źródła i prawdopodobnie uzyskasz różne wyniki u różnych brokerów. Zorro domyślnie używa danych cenowych FXCM, ale jest to o 82% lepsze, gdy wykonujesz backtest z danymi o cenie od samego brokera, z którym handlujesz. Ciekawe, jak wiele wariantów ofert cenowych oferuje pośredników binarnych w międzyczasie. Zastosowanie przewidywanego progu skutecznie zapobiegnie systemowi algorytmicznemu, ponieważ nie można go przetestować. Oto pełna lista wszystkich brokerów oszustów. Może możesz dodać to do swojego artykułu: howwetradebinary-options-scams Rzadka perła w morzu binarnych artykułów opcjonalnych Bardzo podoba mi się również ogólne podejście do handlu z Tobą i społecznością Zorro. Kudos dla ciebie I8217m całkiem nowy dla Zorro, więc myślę, że moje pytanie będzie miało prostą odpowiedź. Próbowałem zmienić linię: if (NumOpenLongNumOpenShort 0) z if (NumOpenLongNumOpenShort lt 3) i uzyskałem podejrzanie wyższy procent wygranych. Jak myślę, nie jest to spowodowane faktyczną poprawą wydajności strategii, z czego to wynika? Czy istnieje sposób na umieszczenie (binarnego) handlu 8211 mówiącego o trybie szkolenia i testowania 8211 przed wygaśnięciem wszystkich innych transakcji? Dziękuję i gratulacje jeszcze raz Dzięki za szybką odpowiedź. Grałem dalej ze scenariuszem i zauważyłem ważny fakt, który należy wziąć pod uwagę w Zorro podczas symulacji strategii opcji binarnych. Wybierając LifeTime znacznie wyżej niż 1 bar i pozwalając na umieszczanie pozycji, gdy inne pozycje są już otwarte, zauważysz, że dzieje się coś dziwnego. Możesz uzyskać niewiarygodne (ale niestety błędne8230) wyniki, które wynikają z faktu, że Zorro domyślnie zamyka transakcję, gdy inny handel w przeciwnym kierunku jest ustawiony, przypisując mu wygraną lub stratę w zależności od sytuacji w danym momencie (czyli bez uwzględnienia czasu wygaśnięcia ustalonego przez LifeTime). Myślę, że jest to 8220bug8221, w tym sensie, że Zorro nie powinien zachowywać się w ten sposób, gdy ustawiona jest flaga BINARNA. I 8216 rozwiązano problem z ustawieniem Hedge na 2, co pozwala na jednoczesne wprowadzanie i otwieranie długich i krótkich pozycji. Może to ustawienie Hedge na 2 powinno być automatycznie wykonywane przez program po ustawieniu flagi BINARY, aby uniknąć złych wyników symulacji. Wysłałem tę informację również na forum Zorro8230 Tak. Gdy więcej niż jedna transakcja może być otwarta, Hedge musi być ustawiony, aby zapobiec zamknięciu pozycji poprzez otwarcie przeciwnych. W przeciwnym razie możesz przedwcześnie opuścić zakład i zarezerwować zysk. 8211 Nie jest to automatyczne, więc konsekwencja jakiegokolwiek ustawienia musi być dokładnie rozważona, aby emulować handel binarny. Mam pewne prawdziwe doświadczenie z automatycznym wprowadzaniem opcji binarnych. Zbudowałem interfejs do Newstrading. Użyłem Forex News Gun i wynajęłem serwer w Nowym Jorku, co pozwoliło mi na wykonanie transakcji w ciągu 1 ms po opublikowaniu podstawowych wskaźników. Jest to bezkonkurencyjny system, jeśli poświęcisz czas na badanie reakcji rynku na dane. Miałem 80 wygranych, a przy optymalnym ryzyku (Formuła Kelly) powinienem być już milionerem. Jednak kiedy brokerzy zorientują się, co się dzieje, oni blokują ci komunikaty o błędach. Gorąco poleciłabym nauczyć się, jak stosować analizę fundamentalną i jak handlować ręcznie, zamiast wydawać jakąkolwiek energię na opcje binarne z powodu własnego doświadczenia. Wydałem jak 2000 na wynajem serwera, depozyty, których nigdy nie odzyskałem (uwaga 8211 24opcja pobiera co miesiąc 80 jednostek z twojego konta, jeśli nie handlujesz kilkoma miesiącami.) StockPair robi to również), Winautomation Pro i niestandardową zakodowaną strategię (był jeden klientów JCL mówiło o 8211, że można pokonać 57 zwycięskich wskaźników, ale jest to bardzo trudne z analizą techniczną, ale nie sądzę, że możliwe jest pokonanie przerwy nawet naprawdę znacząco, więc zapomnij o szybkim wzbogacaniu się). Jednak udało mi się zbudować nieco stabilny interfejs automatycznego ładowania z Winautomation. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, I8217m chce udostępnić mój kod, ale będzie potrzebował adaptacji dla twojego brokera. Fajny artykuł, będę grał z tym kodem przy następnym znudzeniu I8217m. I8217m sdh309795gaas na forum Zorro. Teera Lucksanapiruk mówi: Czy ktokolwiek byłby zainteresowany współpracą nad niektórymi z tych rzeczy I8217 napisał API nodeJS dla iqoption, wraz z backtesterem, który pozwala na upuszczenie algorytmu bezpośrednio do API bez żadnych modyfikacji, ale I8217m wciąż próbuje wymyślić część prognozy cen. Ta strategia uzyskuje około 55-57 dokładności, kiedy przetestowałem ją z danymi z opcji iq. Ale kiedy bierzesz pod uwagę zmieniające się zyski i wszystko, nie ma po prostu zbyt wielu transakcji. TeeraLucksanapiruk Gdzie można połączyć Zorro z opcją iq za pośrednictwem interfejsu API Jeśli tak jest, to mnie zainteresowało, że miałem 5000 USD doliczonych z mojej wizy do Optionbot 3.0. Ale nie usłyszałem od firmy ani od mojego brokera, który obiecał mi, że dzięki inwestowaniu osiągnę bardzo dobry zysk. Niestety otrzymałem tylko jeden telefon od mojego brokera, który założył jakiś rodzaj handlu samochodowego i powiedziano mu, że nie należy go dotykać, co oczywiście nie miałem. Problem polega na tym, że teraz straciłem wszystkie pieniądze i nie mogę ich również osiągnąć. Piszę ten post, ponieważ jeden z brokerów o imieniu John, o nazwie: Optionbot 3.0, zadzwonił do mnie 25 czerwca 2018 r. I zmusił mnie do założenia konta na stronie internetowej, obiecując mi, że Optionbot dostarczy 100 ZYSKów od moich depozytów. Przelałem ten dzień 10 000 Euro kartą kredytową. Broker przejął moje konto i zaczął handlować. Po pół godzinie poziom marży był zagrożony i otrzymałem telefon, a pośrednik zaczął prosić o więcej pieniędzy. Wysłałem kolejne 5 000 euro z mojej karty kredytowej 30 czerwca, otworzył 11 złych pozycji z ogromną stratą i obudziłem się ze wszystkimi straconymi pieniędzmi. Natychmiast zadzwoniłem do mojego brokera, a ten przestępca, który spalił wszystkie moje pieniądze, powiedział, że zwróci wszystkie moje pozycje i że uda mi się wycofać wszystkie moje pieniądze. Czekałem kilka godzin i próbowałem zadzwonić do Johna, a on nigdy nie zapytał. Dni minęły, próbowałem i próbowałem do niego zadzwonić, pisać na jego e-mail, ale bez odpowiedzi. Chcę złapać tego brokera, który obrabował moje pieniądze, i zrobił w moim imieniu setki transakcji bez mojej zgody i ukarać go za każdy stracony EUR, ukarać go kawałkiem tylko po to, aby zrozumieć, jak ciężko jest zarabiać pieniądze. Nadal mam nadzieję, że pewnego dnia znajdę sprawiedliwość, ale dla was, PROSZĘ, NIE WOLNO REJESTRAĆ ANI ZAPŁACIĆ TĄ STRONĘ SHITNESS: OPTIONBOT 3.0 Opcje binarne to świetny produkt finansowy, ale jest dużo chciwych pośredników i firm. Kradną pieniądze od niewinnych ludzi za pośrednictwem robotów, automatów handlowych i serwisów sygnałowych. Wszystkie te systemy są zwykle tworzone przez nieuregulowanych brokerów opcji binarnych. Samuel Young mówi: "Chciałem przeczytać ten artykuł, zanim rozstałem się z 250US dolarów z BDB. Oszuści naprawdę byli w stanie mnie przekonać, nazywając mnie daleko od Cypru. Sprawdź tego faceta: facebookTraden-mit-Alex-1111959268911832frefts Myślę, że próbuje on oszustwo wielu ludzi, zrobił to bardzo dobrze i autentycznie. Jest to świetny post, w którym oszustwo Binary Options jest lepiej opisane. Szukam tego typu bloga od tylu dni, ale dziś cieszę się, że znalazłem tego bloga. Pozostaw odpowiedź Anuluj replyDirectory of South African Import Export stron internetowych Charcoal Trader Specjalizujemy się w pozyskiwaniu węgla z grilla z Afryki w celu dystrybucji w Stanach Zjednoczonych i innych krajach na świecie. Consultent ProQur CPQ Consultante ProQure obsługuje zaopatrzenie w produkty na całym świecie, dostawy, rozwój produktów, produkcję, kontrolę jakości, wysyłkę, import i eksport. Pomoc krajowa - Twoja krajowa pomoc online Krajowa centrala pomocy dla eksporterów, którzy chcą zbadać swoje rynki zagraniczne i ułatwić handel CTC Worldwide Logistics Importowanie i eksportowanie towarów do iz RPA. Z siedzibą w Kapsztadzie z wysyłką. Cubic Freight On line forwarding and managment tool. Doradztwo celne Strona zawiera podstawowe informacje o Leonie Marais, niezależnym konsultorze celnym, jego usługach, klientach i publikacjach. Usługi łączące służby celne Świadczą usługi BEE na rzecz branży, a także klientów, którzy wymagają usług związanych z magazynowaniem i dystrybucją, a także międzynarodowych usług spedycyjnych i usług brokerskich klientów. Usługi celne Profesjonalna firma zajmująca się logistyką przewozów towarowych, biegła w całym spektrum międzynarodowego ruchu towarowego. Dargil Importuj i eksportuj wyjątkowe produkty. Doki wysyłkowe Zapewniamy bezproblemową zintegrowaną logistykę dla naszych klientów na rynkach całego świata. Import okien wschodnich Tam, gdzie gwarantowana jest wysoka jakość, nasze produkty są importowane i mają najwyższą jakość, z szerokim zakresem do wyboru. Konsultanci ECOSA Export SA. Porady i wskazówki dotyczące importu. Rozwiązania inżynierskie Firma importująca, która importuje materiały z włókna szklanego w różnych formatach, np. Materiał z ciętych włókien, zwykły materiał, tkana mata. Euro International Supplies cc Kompletne zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, importerzy, eksporterzy, general traderzy. Exim International Suppliers dla przemysłu mięsnego i spożywczego z nożami, przyprawami, osłonami, opakowaniami i sundrysami. Eksport Import Import SA Nad import i eksport Agencja SA Giełda eksportowa Giełda handlowa Piętro rabatowe Import Certyfikaty kredytowe Eksport Pomoc Pomoc handlowa online dla osób chcących wejść na rynek eksportowy i tych, które już eksportują. Eksportuj Kalejdoskop Importuj i eksportuj firmę oferującą najlepszej jakości żywność, nawadnianie i inne produkty dla wielu klientów na kontynencie afrykańskim. Exportcola Ogólnoświatowa sprzedaż soków owocowych, coli i wód mineralnych do składów celnych. Exporters International Portal eksportu z importu w erze handlu internetowego z siedzibą w RPA. Expotrade SA Importuj konsultantów eksportowych i usługi. Usługi ekspresowe Oferujemy pełną gamę usług dla agencji statków. Fercon Foods Firma pakująca mięso i handel hurtowy w Kapsztadzie, która dostarcza lokalne i importowane mięso do dystrybucji w południowoafrykańskich supermarketach i sklepach mięsnych. Fly It Express Krajowe i międzynarodowe usługi kurierskie. Four Lakes Importerzy południowoafrykańskiego czerwonego wina, białego wina i innych produktów winnych. Fracht Forwarder Help Baza danych firm spedycyjnych w Południowej Afryce. Freight Management Spedytorzy i spedytorzy z siedzibą w Cape Town, Republika Południowej Afryki. FullShips Oferuje pośrednictwo cargo, reprezentację międzynarodową, handel i wszystkie inne usługi frachtów morskich. Galaxy Trading South AfricanInternational Business Directory, Business 2 Business Marketplace (Import Export) Member Classifieds Garoult Enterprises cc Zarejestrowana w Afryce Południowej firma z siedzibą w Kapsztadzie, która importuje i eksportuje szeroką gamę towarów do wszystkich zakątków świata. Gateway ITA Importuj możliwości biznesowe i handlowe. Genesis Logistics Nowe podejście do metodologii logistyki transportu Ginamar Consulting w zakresie różnych zagadnień związanych z handlem międzynarodowym, cłem i akcyzą. Global Mining Support Group Specjalistyczna firma zajmująca się zamówieniami skupiała się na obsłudze firm w odległych rejonach Afryki. Global Real Source Twój doskonały partner w zakresie zakupów. GRS oferuje światowej klasy sourcing zaopatrzenia i zaopatrzenia dla wszystkich Twoich potrzeb biznesowych. Dział HotSource specjalizuje się w markowych produktach promocyjnych. Globalnet Oferuje pełną usługę importu eksportowego do producentów w Republice Południowej Afryki, którzy chcą eksportować. Kamienie półszlachetne Gondwany, malachit, sugilit, chryzokola, jaspis, verdyt, haematyt, kamienie polerowane, jaja, minerały, kamienie szlachetne, osobliwości, doradztwo geologiczne Grid Electronics Importerzy i dystrybutorzy Car Audio, Multi Media, produkty do zabezpieczania pojazdów i zestawy samochodowe do samochodów . Griffin Trading Od momentu założenia w 1991 roku, Griffin Trading stał się bardzo szanowaną i dynamiczną firmą handlującą eksportem z RPA. GS Procurement Consultants Trading Zakup, import i eksport wszystkich towarów w Afryce Południowej. GSA Traders Hurtownicy i eksporterzy ryb. Nasze przetwarzanie ryb spełnia standardy SABS i UE. Skontaktuj się z nami w sprawie przetwarzania i pakowania ryb. HK Shipping Oferujemy kompleksowe usługi transportowe, magazynowe, spedycyjne, spedycyjne, spedycyjne, brokerzy celni, spedytorzy projektów do Durbanu. Home Oceanfresh Importerzy owoców morza południowoafrykańskiego, hurtownicy eksportujący. Dostarczanie restauracji, rybołówstwo w supermarketach. ICB Inter-Global Commodity Brokers Kojarzy fracht wizerunkowy i logistykę Zapewnia kompletną usługę logistyczną, która zapewnia ładunek bezpiecznie, na czas iw konkurencyjnym tempie. Iman Shipping Affordable pomoc w relokacji, pakowanie i fracht. Importer Dystrybutor tytoniu Dostarczamy hurtownię do sklepów tytoniowych i sprzedawców detalicznych w całej SA. Niezależny importer, dystrybutor tytoniu i produktów pochodnych. Importerzy i eksporterzy Szybka dostawa wysokiej jakości produktów po konkurencyjnych cenach i dobra obsługa przez cały czas. Importerzy i eksport opon, obuwia ochronnego, kombinezonów i innych produktów Bilcat Trading specjalizuje się w imporcie i eksporcie towarów z i do RPA do sąsiednich krajów afrykańskich In-House Management Nie tylko inny agent spedycyjny: jedyna firma oferująca kompletną opcję zlecić całą swoją funkcję frachtową. Nie tylko inny agent spedycyjny, ale cały dział przewozów towarowych. INGAR International Międzynarodowe maszyny pakujące i spedycyjne między RPA i Mozambikiem. Intelligroup IntelliClean IntelliServ Dystrybucja importu na innowacyjnych produktach czyszczących i inteligentnych usługach czyszczenia i restauracji. Fracht międzynarodowy to import i eksport morskich i lotniczych agentów frachtowych, specjalizujący się w konsolidacji. Intercan South Africa Importer i eksporter owoców w puszkach, przecieru owocowego, koncentratu soku owocowego, żwirek dla kotów i produktów dla zwierząt domowych. Interfreight Freight Forwarders Korporacyjny wybór dla profesjonalnej obsługi ładunków. Handel międzynarodowy Republika Południowej Afryki Zapewniamy usługę A-Z dla firm z sektora SA, które chcą importować lub eksportować, wykorzystując technologię internetową do połączenia wirtualnej społeczności kupujących, sprzedających, importerów, eksporterów, producentów i dostawców z całego świata. InternaTrade Import Export i międzynarodowe doradztwo biznesowe Island View Shipping Największy operator wysyłki hurtowej w Republice Południowej Afryki. Jadica Global Trading Międzynarodowa firma transportowo-handlowa z siedzibą w Durbanie w Republice Południowej Afryki. Jasbri Trading Przynosi cenne ceny dla wielu wydajnych produktów. JMC - J. Melnick Co. Import, marketing i dystrybucja marek premium - FMCG. Kalahari Kid Corporation Produkuje najwyższej jakości produkty z kozła i jagnięciny na rynek lokalny i międzynarodowy. Kifaru Trading Importerzy i eksporterzy stali, aluminium, tworzyw sztucznych i chemikaliów. Knightrade Import Export Promuje i eksportuje południowoafrykańskie produkty produced. Siedziba firmy KZN Customs Forwarding z siedzibą w Johannesburgu Reprezentuje kilka dużych firm spedycyjnych z Zimbabwe, Zambii Botswany. Koronkowy producent z Chin Koronki oraz producent haftów z Chin oferuje koronki, hafty i szalik do haftowania. Lappies IWC South Africas najwięksi importerzy elektroniczni. Latcom To są osoby z ImportExport, których szukałeś. Latcom cc świadczy usługę one-stop dla potencjalnych inwestorów. importerzy i eksporterzy. Logeco Trading Eksporter z RPA działa jako wyłączny agent eksportowy. Logeco Trading Eksporter z RPA działający jako wyłączny agent eksportowy. Lugdunum Exports cc Importuje i eksportuje szeroką gamę produktów drogą powietrzną, morską i lądową do miejsc docelowych na całym świecie. Maltrade Jesteśmy znaną na całym świecie firmą importowo-eksportową obsługującą sektor prywatny, rząd i organizacje pozarządowe. Melgab International CC. Importerzy drobnej żywności i wina Prawdopodobnie najwięksi importerzy włoskich win do Republiki Południowej Afryki z silnym powiązaniem kulturowym, które utrzymuje nas w stałym kontakcie z włoskimi, europejskimi i międzynarodowymi sektorami żywności i wina. Merit Line Merchants Eksporterzy wyjątkowo południowoafrykańskich produktów - strona internetowa ze zdjęciami dostępnych produktów Mount Joy Farms obejmuje południowoafrykańskie sady owocowe produkujące owoce. Ta nieruchomość eksportuje najwyższej jakości śliwki, gruszki i jabłka. Munko Original Clothing Oryginalna odzież dziecięca, wyprodukowana w Cape Town w Republice Południowej Afryki. Importerzy Mustang Pomagają klientom w pozyskiwaniu danych wejściowych do procesu biznesowego - na poziomie lokalnym i międzynarodowym. Namibijski sektor wędkarski Online Kompleksowy przewodnik po sektorze połowów i akwakultury w Namibias. Obejmuje informacje o produktach i eksporterach. National Match Company Produkcja i globalny eksport zapałek, podpałek i produktów do golenia - wysokiej jakości, szybko rozwijające się towary konsumpcyjne. NNYG Trading (Pty) Ltd Prywatny producent, dostawca, importer i eksporter różnych produktów i produktów za pośrednictwem czterech oddzielnych działów. Przesyłki towarowe Orion Oferujemy kompleksowe usługi transportowe, transgraniczne odprawy do Afryki, odprawy pojazdów, składowanie, spedycję, spedytorów, spedytorów. Ostrich Emporium Południowa Afryka Eksporterzy i garbarnie koncentrują się na zapewnieniu najwyższej jakości wszystkich naszych produktów. Pen-Oil, południowoafrykański dostawca paliw i ropy, zajmujący się przejęciem i transportem produktów Mogas, Diesel, Jet Fuel i LPG do wszystkich części Afryki. Phoenix Facilitators Importerzy i eksporterzy wszystkich towarów i usług na całym świecie - dostępne międzynarodowe finansowanie projektów Phoenix International Freight Logistics Phoenix International jest spedytorem z Afryki Południowej specjalizującym się w spedycji, clearingu, imporcie, eksporcie, transporcie lotniczym, żegludze morskiej, transporcie drogowym. Plasti-Co Nowoczesne rozwiązania dla wszystkich Twoich wymagań dotyczących frachtu. Zaangażowanie w oferowanie profesjonalnej, kreatywnej i opłacalnej usługi w zakresie spedycji i rozliczeń. PortCo South Africa Wszystkie aspekty związane ze statkami agencyjnymi, clearing i forwarding, żegluga morska, logistyka lądowa i spedycja lotnicza, spedycja projektów i doradztwo w zakresie ceł. Porty i statki Oferują wiadomości i szczegółowe raporty z portów południowej i południowej Afryki, w tym ruchy statków i rozwój portów. Procurecom Eksport różnych dostaw do pokrewnych branż, w tym zaopatrzenie ubojni, zamówienia rolne - wszystko. Protea Pride Hodowcy i eksporterzy najlepszych protein z regionu Western Cape w Republice Południowej Afryki. PSV Holdings PSV koncentruje się na dostarczaniu produktów kontroli przepływu, usług elektromechanicznych rozwiązań dla górnictwa, petrochemicznego gospodarowania odpadami wodnymi. QualiTrack Spółka joint-venture między partnerami z branży spożywczej, Syngenta SA (Pty) Ltd, Paltrack (Pty) Ltd i Terason Holdings (Pty) Ltd, dostarczająca zintegrowane rozwiązania technologii informacyjnej dla rolnictwa i innych powiązanych urządzeń peryferyjnych w łańcuchu żywnościowym. RAP Products International Producenci opakowań pierwotnych, importerzy obsługujący przemysł perfumeryjny, kosmetyczny, toaletowy i napojów dla gospodarstw domowych. Regis Export Trading International Zajmujemy się dostawami do przemysłu naftowego i wydobywczego, dostawami pomocy humanitarnej i pomocy humanitarnej, dostawami i usługami w zakresie usuwania min. Remtrade Importuj i eksportuj. Nabywanie urzędów do sektorów przemysłu i górnictwa. Renfreight Circle działa w 16 oddziałach na terenie całego kraju i obsługuje wszystkie główne porty krajowe, w tym Johannesburg - jedyny uznany port śródlądowy na kontynencie. Rennies Ships Agency Ships Agents providing liner and non-liner services local and internationally. RJ Programmable Techniques South Africas leading one-stop automation house. Order Moxa, IBH Softec, CTC Union, EKS, Weed Instruments, NXN and more. Rohlig Grindrod Customs clearing and forwarding agent. Rosh Electronics Importers and Distributors of Electronic Components and Equipment. RTB Importer Exporter tofrom South Africa S. I.T. C - Siyakanda International Trade Design, development, implementation, maintenace, marketing and support of packaged software solutions in international trade. It also offers consulting in all aspects of international trade. S. I.T. C. (Pty) Ltd The aim of the company is the development, implementation, maintenace and support of packaged software solution in international trade. SA Rubber SA Tyre Recyclers produce rubber crumb up to 40 mesh for local business and export sales SA Wine Capvin Intl Marketing partnership of Western Cape wine and spirit producers. SACD Import export management company, Saetra A dependable service organization operating since 1974 as importer and distributor of equipment, parts, chemicals and other inputs. SAFE - South African Fruit Exporters Established in 1997 and is one of the leading growerpackerexporter of citrus and table grapes in Southern Africa. Sarel Barnard Trade Incentive Consultants cc, for Steel Rebates Trade promotion in South Africa by facilitating optimum use of incentives available for steel rebates. Shipping Solutions Project management, consulting shipping agents and local and tnternational transportation. Silicone Technical Products Agents for GE Bayer Silicones in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. Skippy Home of your favourite peanut butter. South Africa Vegetables Import Export Import export - vegetable trade - processing of vegetables - export of vegetables - import of vegetables South African Association of Freight Forwarders SAAFF is a founder member of the Federation of Clearing and Forwarding Associations of Southern Africa. South African Express Parcel Association SAEPA comprises members with specialist skills, networks and service philosophies. South African Online Export Directory General products, textiles, capital equipment, food and wine, tourism. South African Premium Wines A young and dynamic company that aims to push the boundaries of conventional wine production and marketing. South African Table Grape Industry Partnership between grape producers and grape exporters in South Africa aimed at promoting South Africas grape industry. Steel Suppliers Providing steel for sale to businesses. Suppliers of various sorts of steel used in construction and manufacturing. Steelway Steelway, a division of Saiftrade Investments, founded in 1994, a commodity broking and investment company, was formed with the express purpose of trading internationally in stainless steel and allied products Synapses Concepts Leak detection equipment Corporate branding solutions. Laser hair removal machines. Surf gloves paddle gloves surf gear webbed gloves. Safari car vehicle. Taliwag - Designers and Manufacturers of an Eastern Inspire Womenswear Range. Designed to suit a get up and go, romantic yet elegant western lifestyle. We are looking for outlets in the USA and Europe. The Baron Tobacconist Suppliers of imported tobaccos and smoking requisites. The Ellies Group The Ellies group is presently the largest manufacturer, wholesaler and distributor of television reception related electronic products. Tide Power Africa Direct Importer of Diesel Generators based in Cape Town South Africa. Tiger World Trade The import agents for houseware, kitchenware, motorcycles, autos and a range of unique products. Tireworld Exports A tire export company based in South Africa supplying a full range of quality tires to Africa and beyond. Stockists of Goodyear, Trade Secrets Our management have over 35 years experience in the importing and exporting of FMCGs in the whole world. TradeGate Leaders in global trade management solutions and exportimport software. Tradepoint SA Durban One of the 115 members of the international Trade Point Programme of the World Trade Point Federation. TradeStream Supply chain management solutions. Transhydro Logistics Combines a full range of transportation options (land, sea and air) and customs brokerage services, with outsourced warehouse and distribution centres. Travel Value Duty Free South Africa Unifree travel-value duty free South Africa is your service provider for duty free shopping. Choose from hundreds of duty free products including cigarettes. Truckloads for Africa Try our free trial online truck and load matching for Africa. TwalaGLOBAL Cargo Black Empowerment partner for Clover Cargo in Export and Import International business. Umkhoma SA An import and export business. Umkhoma sources all kinds of manufacturing commodities and exports them mainly by sea freight. Unique Packaging Packaging, supplies, protective packaging, corrugated board, polyethelene sheeting, tubing, bags, paper bags, bubble wrap, packing boxes etc. Universal Freight Logistics Freight forwarding and excess baggage shipper in Cape Town. Upwardspiral The link to global sourcing assorted commodities. Vasti Trade Import Export Assisting South African manufacturers to export their products. Venison Suppliers Exporter of South African venison products. Villa Romana - Imports Exports We are here to make shipping freight easy and less costly. We have the upper hand in low-cost as well as exquisite imported home furnishings and decor. Vin Online Imports and exports agency specializing in customs clearing. Vinisa Your import and export gateway to South African wines. Vintex Trading Exporter to South Africa of food and beverage items for caterers, and the hospitality industry. Visual Imports Exports Importers and exporters of African art, speedheat water heaters, injection moulders and innovators. Vukile Logistics The rising force in the shipping industry. Walker International Import export business and trade opportunity. We market, promote and export South African manufactured products. Web Traders Import export listings trade - South Africa. Whitehouse Associates A research and consulting company dedicated to the international trading environment. Wings Group - South Africa Manufacturers and exporters of South African Rooibos and Honeybush tea. Xport Network Independent, South African based export services company. Y T Shining We are a company specialized in importing, all products are directly imported and both quality and price are wonderful. Youngmans Wharf - Importers Exporters We are here to offer you a market for your products, or to find the product that you require. Zambia Export Growers Association Promoting the interests of all exporters offresh horticulture produce from Zambia. Zimtech Distributors Industrial components distributor to Africa for electronics, industrial tools, valves, electrical components, etc. Action Africa Inc Outdoor, camping, action safari gear from Africa Afco LDA Founded by two South African entrepreneurs, Pierre Pienaar and Karin Pienaar, who moved to Mozambique in 1993. Africa Solutions An international trade network in Africa offers reliable, effective and flexible trade solutions. Africa-Union Holdings An investment company, focussing on wealth-creation, strictly commercially driven. African Data Corporation Importing and distribution of generators, forklifts, ozone generators, golf carts and industrial plate compactors. African Export Portal A database and trade resource presenting African products, African exporters, and African suppliers to international buyers. Africom Global We supply desiel, oil and petrolium products to customers all over the world. Afrique Interlink Offers various import and export consolidationconsultant services in wines and spirits, FMCG, building supplies and machinery. Afritrade (Pty) Ltd TradeSA, you leading source of information on importing to South Africa. We offer products at wholesale prices to carefully selected customers. We Aircargo ACC providing domestic international freight forwarding. Airfreight Africa, domestic courier, overnight courier, economy roadfreight, dom Airfreight Africa, domestic courier, overnight courier, economy roadfreight, domestic airfreight, international airfreight, courier export, courier im Ansana Holdings Commodity traders, logistics, clearing and forwarding. Ariad A South African based trading company who is affiliated and represents presence for a large well standing international trading company namely Ceresdian Incorporate. Balobi Trading Traders and exporters of fresh and frozen seafoods. Barberry Logistics Specialists in the overland movement of bulk goods in South and Southern Africa. Beantree Foods Exporter of spice grinders, mills and cake decoration dispensers for the retail and wholesale market. Belfreight Shipping Management Services A South African based freight company, providing personalised freight solutions to and from Southern Africa. Belvedere Estate A leading exporter of the finest foods and wines South Africa has to offer. Belvedere supplies superior quality products world wide. Brooke House We export and import a wide variety of top quality fresh cut flowers from South Africa to a number of countries around the world. We also represent our clients at the local auction market. Bundu Power Provides generators, petrol and diesel throughout Africa. Cadek international We are the South African importers for the world famous crystal glasses, Spiegelau, from Bavaria, Germany. CAL2k Bomb Calorimeter The CAL2k Calorimeter system is the most advanced Calorimeter system available today. The system is used to measure the calorific value of both solids Candytron South African importers and distributors of sweets, lighters and food. Cape Importers Importers Distributors - Supplies to the catering trade. Central Trade Services One of the most dependable trade service providers in the central parts of South Africa. Centr Our head office is based in Johannesburg South Africa, with a subsidiary in Maputo, Mozambique. A multi-million Rand turnover concern, with a dedicated team experienced in exports to African countries. Like - Click this link to Add this page to your bookmarks Share - Click this link to Share this page through email or social media Print - Click this link to Print this page Examples of Money Laundering Investigations - Fiscal Year 2018 The following examples of Money Laundering Investigations are written from public record documents on file in the courts within the judicial district where the cases were prosecuted. Chinese Citizen Sentenced to 36 Months For Selling Over 1 Million Dollars of Counterfeit Cell Phone Parts Into the U. S. On September 26, 2018, in San Diego, California, Hongwei Nick Du, a Chinese citizen, was sentenced to 36 months in prison, ordered to forfeit 1.5 million, as well as the cellular telephone seized at his arrest, and to pay a fine of 10,000. Du pleaded guilty to conspiring to traffic in counterfeit goods and related money laundering charges. The Court imposed sentence based on Dus role as purchasing agent and supplier of an Imperial Valley business run by Spanish citizen Octavio Cesar Sana, who was sentenced to 41 months in custody in July. Sanas business, Flexqueen, sold at least 3.2 million of counterfeit cell phone components for years over the internet, and briefly from a store front repair business in downtown San Diego. Du operated as Sanas largest source of supply and Chinese purchasing agent, securing 1.5 million of counterfeit cell phone parts for Flexqueen from manufacturers in Shenzhen, China. According to the plea agreement, since 2007, Sanas businesses sold approximately 6.5 million of cell phone parts and accessories to businesses and consumers throughout the United States. In turn, Sana paid approximately 3.1 million to Du. Sana and Du have admitted that roughly half of those parts were counterfeits. Fraud Schemer Sentenced For Wire Fraud and Illegal Monetary Transactions On August 23, 2018, in Tampa, Florida, Christopher A. Maguire, formerly of Orlando, Florida, was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for wire fraud and illegal monetary transactions. As part of his sentence, the Court also entered a money judgment in the amount of 4,938,574, the proceeds of the charged criminal conduct. According to court documents, from at least May 2017 through April 2017, Maguire operated a scheme where he, and promoters employed by him, solicited victim-investors to send him funds via electronic wire or check. The victims funds were never actually invested into the opportunity presented to them by Maguire. Some of the funds were used by Maguire on personal expenditures, as well as payments to his promoters. Maguire also made numerous payments back to certain victims, often enticing these victims to reinvest the proceeds of the transaction, sometimes triggering additional investment of funds by the victims or their associates. Through this scheme, Maguire was responsible for losses of over 4.9 million to over 150 victim-investors. The majority of the victims were located in central Florida and in northern Ohio. Local Attorney Sentenced to Prison for Criminal Conspiracy and Operating Unlicensed Money Transmitting Business On September 6, 2018, in San Diego, California, Richard Medina, Jr. a San Diego-based attorney, was sentenced to 60 months in prison, three years supervised release, and forfeiture of 11,986,892. Medina, Jr. pleaded guilty in September 2018 to Counts 2 and 3 of a Superseding Indictment, charging him with funneling nearly 12 million through his law firms client accounts. According to court documents, Medina, Jr. along with three other co-defendants, conspired to operate as a commercial enterprise willing and able to transfer cash on behalf of third parties. The co-defendants failed to register their money transmitting business with the Secretary of the Treasury, as required by law. In turn, the defendants customers, based throughout the United States and abroad, availed themselves of Medina, Jr. Omar Trevino Caro Del Castillo, Francisco Cuevas, and one other co-defendants ability to collect cash and transmit it anywhere in the world. The co-defendants obtained commissions for their services, extracting a fee from the millions of dollars transmitted. In an effort to legitimize the transmission of the currency, Medina, Jr. opened several Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts in the name of his law firm at national banks (the IOLTA Accounts). By depositing the money into the IOLTA Accounts, the co-defendants intended to prevent the banks from filing accurate Currency Transaction Reports. No less than 11,986,892 in cash made its way into, through, and out of the IOLTA Accounts over the course of 47 deposits between March 2017 and February 2017. Medina, Jr. supervised the receipt and international transfer of these funds with the knowledge or having reason to know that the transactions involved proceeds of unlawful activity. Two of Medinas co-conspirators have already been sentenced, Francisco Cuevas was sentenced to 51 months in prison and Omar Trevino Caro Del Castillo, was sentenced to 27 months in prison. Former Operator of Gardena Casino Pays 1 Million Fine and Forfeits Nearly 1.4 Million for Violating Federal Anti-Money Laundering Laws On August 30, 2018, in Los Angeles, California, the former operator of the Normandie Club in Gardena was ordered to pay a 1 million criminal fine and to forfeit nearly 1.4 million after pleading guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act by failing to report large cash transactions to federal authorities. The casino pleaded guilty in January to violating anti-money laundering provisions of the Bank Secrecy Act. The partnership specifically pleaded guilty to failing to maintain an effective anti-money laundering program and conspiring to avoid reporting to the government the large cash transactions of some of the casinos high-roller gamblers. The Normandie Club admitted that its casino engaged independent gambling promoters to locate high-rollers and then steer those gamblers to the casino. As part of the conspiracy, high-level personnel at the casino, including the casinos president and chief operating officer, agreed to avoid reporting to the government the large sums of cash certain high-rollers would bring to the casino. According to the plea agreement, the casino avoided reporting transactions related to the high-rollers by submitting Currency Transaction Reports that named the promoter instead of the gambler, by structuring transactions so that they appeared to be less than 10,000, or simply by failing to record large transactions. During one six-week period in 2017, a single high-roller won more than 1 million from another party at the casino, and the casino conspired to conceal the identity of that high-roller. Westminster Man Sentenced For Orchestrating a Scheme to Defraud Clients On August 30, 2018, in Denver, Colorado, Timothy J. Tucker, of Westminster, was sentenced to 78 months in prison, three years on supervised release and ordered to pay 1,614,302 in restitution to the victims. Tucker pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering. Beginning in February 2017 and continuing until late 2017, Tucker devised a scheme to defraud by obtaining advanced fees from individuals and entities who were seeking multimillion-dollar loans. Tucker operated Assured Venture Group (AVG) and The Financial Group, LLC (TFG), which purported to be in the business of finding funding for multimillion-dollar loans for investment projects through the issuance of corporate bonds. Tucker told people and entities that they were required to pay AVGTFG fees in advance of AVGTFG performing work to find funding for the requested loans and that the fees would be spent only on underwriting, due diligence, and closing costs related to the requested loans. Between February 2017 and March 2017, AVGTFG was paid over 1.8 million in fees on twenty-two different projects, both by individuals and entities. Tucker did not secure funding for any of the projects and did not return any fees on twenty of twenty-two projects. The majority of the fees received by AVGTFG were used for things unrelated to the requested loans, including Tuckers other businesses. U. K. Citizen Sentenced for Role in Overseas Investment Scam On August 29, 2018, in Buffalo, New York, Martin Rhys-Jones, a citizen of the United Kingdom, was sentenced to 72 months in prison and ordered to pay 2,897,130 in restitution. Jones was previously convicted of laundering money derived in a wire fraud conspiracy. According to court documents, Jones, who was extradited from Spain, oversaw a boiler room scam in Barcelona, Spain, which conned investors in the United Kingdom and Canada into buying nearly worthless shares of restricted stock at severely inflated prices. Customers were told they were buying more valuable, regular shares of stock. Approximately 250 investors lost more than 2,900,000 in the scam. A portion of the criminal proceeds were funneled through a bank account in Western New York before being sent to numerous overseas accounts controlled by Jones and his co-conspirator, Arnold Wrobel, a former resident of Buffalo. Wrobel was convicted in December 2018 and is awaiting sentencing. A total of 12 defendants were arrested in the case, four have been convicted. Valencia Businessman Sentenced to Prison in Massive Investment Scam On July 28, 2018, in Los Angeles, Bruce Richard Sands Jr. of Valencia, was sentenced to 135 months in prison and ordered to pay 11,039,404 in restitution. Sands pleaded guilty in April to four counts of mail fraud, five counts of wire fraud and two counts of money laundering. From about October 2007 through the end of 2017, Sands businesses solicited investments in precious metals and collectible coins. Individuals across the nation were solicited through national radio, television and Internet advertising. Sands falsely told investors that the precious metals they paid for would be delivered to them directly or sent to their retirement accounts, when Sands knew that his company, Superior Gold, would not be purchasing or delivering the precious metals. Many investors never received the metals they purchased. Sands induced more than 300 victims to invest approximately 24 million and to suffer losses of nearly 11 million while Sands funded his own lavish lifestyle. Store Manager Sentenced for 5.1 Million Food Stamp Fraud On July 27, 2018, in Macon, Georgia, Michael Paul Atkinson Jr. was sentenced to 60 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay restitution of 5,141,520 for conspiracy to commit wire fraud in connection with the federal food stamp program, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). From 2017 through March 2018, Atkinson operated Mid Way Market in Macon. During that time, Atkinson paid beneficiaries in cash to redeem SNAP benefits and allowed beneficiaries to use those benefits to purchase non-allowed items. In addition, Atkinson taught other workers at Mid Way how to process fraudulent claims. As a result of the fraudulent scheme, the SNAP program paid over 5.1 million in redemptions to Mid Way that should not have been paid. Atkinson also agreed that his home was subject to forfeiture because it was purchased with proceeds from the fraud. His house has been forfeited to the United States. Indiana Man Sentenced for Transportation of Stolen Vehicles On July 26, 2018, in Evansville, Indiana, Andrew R. Elpers, of Evansville, Indiana, was sentenced to 51 months in prison followed by 3 years of supervised release for interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles and of money laundering. Elpers was also ordered to pay 453,456.80 in restitution to the victim dealerships and insurance companies. According to court documents, on May 23, 2018, during his guilty plea, Elpers admitted to the Court that he unlawfully transported in interstate commerce approximately 32 stolen motor vehicles many of which were large pieces of excavating equipment. Elpers also admitted to committing money laundering by trading in a stolen motor vehicle and using the proceeds to purchase a new vehicle, knowing that the proceeds were derived from unlawful activity. Elpers admitted stealing excavating equipment from three different states, Illinois, Missouri and Indiana. Elpers was found to have moved some of the stolen equipment to North Carolina where he used the equipment to make improvements to property he owned there. He admitted he had special skills in using excavating equipment that enabled him to override security measures and drive the equipment away from victim dealerships. In total, the stolen motor vehicles had a value of over 1.5 million dollars. California Woman Sentenced in Marijuana and Money Laundering Conspiracies On July 15, 2018, in Syracuse, New York, Simona Borissova, of Danville, California, was sentenced to 24 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit 273,665. On Feb. 26, 2018, Borissova pleaded guilty to distributing marijuana and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, between January 2017 and August 2018, Borissova, who lived in Las Vegas, caused marijuana to be driven from a marijuana farm in Northern California, owned by her parents, to various stash houses in Las Vegas, where others would take possession of the marijuana and ship it to Utica, New York and other cities around the United States. Marijuana buyers and co-conspirators deposited money into various bank accounts, some held in the names of third parties including Borissova. Borissova withdrew cash to purchase more marijuana, pay expenses or otherwise spent it at her discretion. Borissova conspired with others to engage in money laundering involving 273,665, which was the total amount of money orders purchased with proceeds from the sale of marijuana in and around Utica, New York which was used for payment for the marijuana shipped from California to Utica, New York. Massachusetts Woman Sentenced for 3.6 Million Food Stamp Fraud On July 12, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts, Vida Ofori Causey, of Worcester, was sentenced to one year and one day in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit 3,512,906 to the government. Restitution will be determined after forfeiture is completed. In December 2018, Causey pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit SNAP benefits fraud, SNAP fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, Causey was the owner and operator of JampW Aseda Plaza, a convenience store. From April 2017 to October 2017, Causey conspired with others to commit SNAP fraud by purchasing SNAP benefits from recipients rather than exchanging them for food. Causey purchased the benefits at a discounted value of approximately fifty cents for every SNAP dollar. By so doing, Causey caused the USDA to electronically deposit into a bank account she controlled the full face value of the SNAP benefits fraudulently obtained. To provide customers with cash for the SNAP benefits, Causey used the cash she received from customers wishing to utilize MoneyGram services. In order to cover those transactions, she transferred money from the account where her SNAP funds were electronically deposited into the account she used for her MoneyGram business. Ohio Man Sentenced for Stealing 3.3 Million from School District On June 30, 2018, in Youngstown, Ohio, Dominick Palazzo, of Broadview Heights, was sentenced to 30 months in prison and ordered to pay 3,333,448 in restitution to the Cuyahoga Heights School District. Palazzo was also ordered to pay forfeiture of 43,409. Palazzo previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, Palazzo and his brother, Joseph M. Palazzo, along with David Donadeo and Dennis Boyles, conspired together to defraud the school district through dozens of fraudulent billings. Palazzos brother, Joseph M. Palazzo, was the Information Technology director of the Cuyahoga Heights School District. Joseph Palazzo devised a scheme to submit false invoices to the school district for IT-related goods and services never received or already purchased by the district from another source. Joseph Palazzos actions caused the district to issue checks to shell vendor corporations established and owned by Dominick Palazzo, Boyles and Donadeo. The shell vendor corporation owners kept approximately half of the stolen money themselves and funneled the remainder of the money back to Joseph Palazzo for his personal use. Joseph Palazzo was previously sentenced to more than 11 years in prison. Boyles was sentenced to more than two years in prison and Donadeos case is pending. North Carolina Man Sentenced in Tax Refund Check Scheme On June 8, 2018, in Raleigh, North Carolina, Wilfredo Acosta Hidalgo was sentenced to 71 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay 4,280,871 in restitution to the IRS. Hidalgo pleaded guilty in February to one count of conspiracy to commit theft of public money and one count of theft of public money. According to court documents, in 2017 and 2017, Hidalgo conspired with check cashers to cash U. S. Treasury refund checks issued as a result of fraudulently-filed tax returns. Hidalgo provided the check cashers with U. S. Treasury checks issued to third parties in whose name the fraudulent returns were filed. The check cashers deposited the checks into their business bank accounts, took a check-cashing fee and gave the rest of the funds to Hidalgo. The third-party payees were not present when the checks were cashed. North Carolina Convenience Store Owner Sentenced for Food Stamp Fraud On May 27, 2018, in Raleigh, North Carolina, Ali Dhaher al-Darajy was sentenced to 78 months in prison and three years of supervised release. al-Darajy was also ordered to pay restitution of 2,305,630 to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and to forfeit his interest in money seized during the investigation, along with five pieces of real property. On Nov. 23 2018, al-Darajy pleaded guilty to theft of government property and engaging in unlawful monetary transactions. According to court documents, al-Darajy owned and operated three convenient stores in Raleigh under the name Hannah Stop n Shop or Hannah Stop nDrink. Beginning in December 2017, al-Darajy was authorized to accept Federal Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits in return for eligible items as prescribed by the USDAs Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). Between Jan. 11, 2017 and Jan. 7, 2017, 6,465 in SNAP benefits was fraudulently obtained through undercover operations. The USDA determined al-darajy had stolen approximately 2,305,630. al-Darajy used the stolen funds for personal expenses, purchasing automobiles and real estate. Florida Man Sentenced for Multi-State Money Laundering Conspiracy On May 24, 2018, in Pensacola, Florida, Kenneth Grandison was sentenced to 108 months in prison for conspiracy to commit money laundering and conspiracy to utilize a telephone facility to further a drug trafficking offense. According to court documents, between January 2017 and January 2018, Grandison received illegal drugs from California, including marijuana and codeine, for further distribution in Florida. Grandison used dozens of bank accounts to launder the drug trafficking proceeds. In total, the bank accounts received more than 800 cash deposits. This investigation involved the laundering of between 1.5 and 3.5 million. Former Prosecutor Sentenced for Massive Wire Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme On May 23, 2018, in Anchorage, Alaska, Mark Avery was sentenced to 160 months in prison, five years of supervised release, ordered to pay a 100,000 fine, and pay restitution to the May Smith Trust of 45,925,737. Avery was convicted on Feb. 29, 2018, of three counts of wire fraud, six counts of money laundering, one count of bank fraud and one count of making false statements to a bank. Avery served as a trustee and lawyer to the May Smith Trust from early 2002, and received yearly compensation in the amount of 600,000 in trustee fees for his fiduciary role. Avery engaged in a scheme wherein he pledged assets of the May Smith Trust as collateral to secure a 52 million loan for himself. The jurys verdicts found that Avery defrauded May Wong Smith and the May Smith Trust by using the 52 million loan funds for his personal use and to invest in various businesses without any indicia of normal business practices. The money was obtained and spent with no written business plan, no controls over how the money was to be spent, no repayment terms, no promissory note and none of the common safeguards of commercial investments. Avery exhausted the 52 million he obtained from the trust in six months using the funds on various purchases for himself. Avery was also convicted of bank fraud and making false statements to Wells Fargo Bank in October 2006 in connection with a 500,000 line of credit in which he failed to list the 52 million dollar debt when applying for the loan. This is the largest wire fraud and money laundering conviction by amount ever prosecuted in Alaska. Louisiana Businessman Sentenced for Fraudulent U. S. Treasury Check Scheme On May 19, 2106, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Carlos L. Linares was sentenced to 70 months in prison, two years of supervised release and ordered to pay restitution of 1,603,537. Linares previously was found guilty of theft of government funds, failure to maintain an effective money laundering program and two counts of obstruction of a proceeding before a federal agency. According to court documents, Linares operated a store called Latinos Supermarket, LLC where he cashed checks for a fee. In just a fifteen-month time period spanning from March of 2017 through May of 2017, Linares cashed more than 250 U. S. Treasury checks with out-of-state addresses worth over 1.6 million. The checks had been obtained through fraud and misused other peoples identities. Linares also knowingly failed to follow the requirements placed on him as a registered money service business and failed to prevent his store from being used to facilitate criminal activity and launder money. Finally, Linares attempted to obstruct efforts by the IRS in efforts to determine whether he was following the law. Indiana Financial Advisor Sentenced in Fraud Scheme On May 19, 2018, in Indianapolis, Indiana, Jaime C. Lopez, currently of Wabash, was sentenced to 57 months in prison. In January, Lopez was convicted of 15 counts of wire fraud, one count of securities fraud and one count of money laundering. According to court documents, Lopez was a financial advisor who conducted business from his home in Carmel. He created various business names, JCL Interest Plus, JCL Capital Inc. and JCL Directs (JCL Entities) to direct funds from unsuspecting investors. From January 2017 until June 2017, Lopez convinced investors to transfer their Individual Retirement Accounts to self-directed accounts. Lopez would then transfer the money into JCL Entities under his control. Lopez solicited hundreds of thousands of dollars telling investors he had reinvested the money by loaning it to outside businesses, purchasing corporate bonds and notes or investing in real estate. Additional funds were used by Lopez to pay interest on promissory notes issued to the investors. Later the investors were issued new promissory notes for a longer term of investment and at a much lower rate of interest. Lopez never invested the money as promised, rather spending the money on the purchase of automobiles, home mortgage payments and home landscaping. Two Brothers Sentenced for Filing Fraudulent Tax Returns Seeking Refunds of Over 224 Million On May 17, 2018, in Greenbelt, Maryland, Sean Aude Gallman, of Upper Marlboro, and his brother, Eric Maurice Gallman, of Huntersville, North Carolina, were sentenced to 132 months and 48 months in prison, respectively. Sean and Eric Gallman were also each sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to pay restitution to the IRS of 16,512,492. Additionally, the brothers will forfeit the amount of the refunds paid by the IRS, including 11,529,954 seized from numerous bank accounts foreign currency and gold and silver coins seized from a residence in Upper Marlboro nine residential properties and three vehicles. Both pleaded guilty in January to conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, mail fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Sean Gallman also pleaded guilty to aggravated identity theft and money laundering charges. According to court documents, the Gallmans established trusts and business entities and used mailboxes at numerous private commercial postal carrier stores in Maryland and North Carolina as the addresses for the trusts and business entities. The Gallman brothers, acting as trustees and agents, mailed fraudulent tax returns to the IRS in the names of the trusts and businesses requesting refunds. Altogether, the Gallman brothers filed a total of approximately 46 fraudulent tax returns seeking refunds totaling 224,676,998, for which the IRS paid two refunds totaling 16,512,492. Three Minnesota Residents Sentenced for Narcotics Distribution and Money Laundering Conspiracies On May 9, 2018 in Worthington, Minnesota, Somwang Wong Khanya, Inpaeng Phady, and Keophothone Rounoubon of Minnesota were charged with conspiracies to distribute narcotics and money laundering. Khanya pled guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering on February 9, 2018, and was sentenced to 70 months in custody, 3 years of supervised release and ordered to pay 100 to the Federal Crime Victims Fund. Phady pled guilty to the marijuana distribution conspiracy on February 9, 2018, and was sentenced to 30 months in custody, followed by 2 years of supervised release and ordered to pay 100 to the Federal Crime Victims Fund. Rounoubon pled guilty to the marijuana distribution conspiracy on February 5, 2018, and was sentenced to 23 months in custody, followed by 4 years of supervised release and ordered to pay 100 to the Federal Crime Victims Fund. According to court documents, the defendants had a source of marijuana in California, and traveled there from Worthington on many occasions to purchase and bring back marijuana for distribution in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota, area and elsewhere. Khanya used various methods to launder the proceeds of the marijuana sales, including purchasing many expensive items with a retail value of 62,000 purchasing gold jewelry with an approximate retail value of 54,000 running cash through casinos structuring cash deposits into bank accounts to avoid the filing of currency transaction reports and purchasing a 2009 Lexus IS250 and financing, titling, registering, and insuring it in other persons names. Texas Man Sentenced for an Estimated 4.5 Million Ponzi Scheme On May 6, 2018, in Austin, Texas, William Risinger was sentenced to 160 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay a money judgment of 3,722,975 to his victims. Risinger pleaded guilty in January 2018 to wire fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, from November 2017 to June 2017, Risinger, the owner of RHM Exploration, LLC, stole money from investors based on three fraudulent oil, gas and mineral venture schemes. Risinger used the proceeds of his scheme for his own personal use or as lulling payments in order to convince investors that the joint venture they invested in was operating as promised. Liberty Reserve Founder Sentenced for Laundering Hundreds of Millions of Dollars On May 6, 2018, in Manhattan, New York, Arthur Budovsky was sentenced to 240 months in prison and ordered to pay a 500,000 fine. In January, Budovsky pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit money laundering. According to court documents, Budovsky ran a massive money laundering enterprise through his company Liberty Reserve S. A. (Liberty Reserve). Liberty Reserve billed itself as the Internets largest payment processor and money transfer system and allowed people all over the world to send and receive payments using virtual currency. Budovsky directed and supervised Liberty Reserves operations, finances, and business strategy and was aware that digital currencies were used by other online criminals. Liberty Reserve grew into a financial hub for cybercriminals around the world, trafficking the criminal proceeds of Ponzi schemes, credit card trafficking, stolen identity information and computer hacking. By May 2017, when the government shut it down, Liberty Reserve had more than 5.5 million user accounts worldwide and had processed more than 78 million financial transactions with a combined value of more than 8 billion. United States users accounted for the largest segment of Liberty Reserves total transactional volume between 1 billion and 1.8 billion and the largest number of user accounts over 600,000. Co-defendants Mark Marmilev and Maxim Chukharev were sentenced to five years and three years in prison, respectively. Co-defendants Vladimir Kats and Azzeddine El Amine have pleaded guilty and are scheduled to be sentenced. Charges remain pending against Liberty Reserve and two individual defendants who are fugitives. Ohio Man Sentenced in Connection with Drug Trafficking Ring On May 5, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio, Ramiro Nonato Mendoza was sentenced to 160 months in prison. Mendoza pleaded guilty on Nov. 4, 2018, to conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute more than one kilogram of heroin and more than five kilograms of cocaine and money laundering. According to court documents, Mendoza was one of 22 individuals charged with operating a drug trafficking ring that involved numerous kilograms of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana. The defendants were also involved in the illegal employment of unauthorized aliens and the possession of numerous firearms. The defendants attempted to launder their drug proceeds by purchasing vehicles. More than 208,000 and 11 firearms were seized in connection with this case. Texas Man Sentenced for an Estimated 4.5 Million Ponzi Scheme On May 6, 2018, in Austin, Texas, William Risinger was sentenced to 160 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay a money judgment of 3,722,975 to his victims. Risinger pleaded guilty in January 2018 to wire fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, from November 2017 to June 2017, Risinger, the owner of RHM Exploration, LLC, stole money from investors based on three fraudulent oil, gas and mineral venture schemes. Risinger used the proceeds of his scheme for his own personal use or as lulling payments in order to convince investors that the joint venture they invested in was operating as promised. Liberty Reserve Founder Sentenced for Laundering Hundreds of Millions of Dollars On May 6, 2018, in Manhattan, New York, Arthur Budovsky was sentenced to 240 months in prison and ordered to pay a 500,000 fine. In January, Budovsky pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit money laundering. According to court documents, Budovsky ran a massive money laundering enterprise through his company Liberty Reserve S. A. (Liberty Reserve). Liberty Reserve billed itself as the Internets largest payment processor and money transfer system and allowed people all over the world to send and receive payments using virtual currency. Budovsky directed and supervised Liberty Reserves operations, finances, and business strategy and was aware that digital currencies were used by other online criminals. Liberty Reserve grew into a financial hub for cybercriminals around the world, trafficking the criminal proceeds of Ponzi schemes, credit card trafficking, stolen identity information and computer hacking. By May 2017, when the government shut it down, Liberty Reserve had more than 5.5 million user accounts worldwide and had processed more than 78 million financial transactions with a combined value of more than 8 billion. United States users accounted for the largest segment of Liberty Reserves total transactional volume between 1 billion and 1.8 billion and the largest number of user accounts over 600,000. Co-defendants Mark Marmilev and Maxim Chukharev were sentenced to five years and three years in prison, respectively. Co-defendants Vladimir Kats and Azzeddine El Amine have pleaded guilty and are scheduled to be sentenced. Charges remain pending against Liberty Reserve and two individual defendants who are fugitives. Insurance Agent Sentenced for Fraud On April 18, 2018, in Indianapolis, Indiana, Cindy L. Lampkins was sentenced to 60 months in prison, two years of supervised release and ordered to pay restitution of 682,000. Lampkins previously pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, Lampkins was the vice president and owner of K amp B Financial Services, Inc. dba Kern Financial Group (KFG), as well as a licensed insurance agent. Between February 2017 and November 2017, Lampkins persuaded clients to invest in financial products that did not, in fact, exist. Clients attempted to purchase these artificial financial products and submitted payments to Lampkins aggregating approximately 682,000. Instead of investing these funds in any financial products on behalf of these clients, Lampkins used these funds for own use. Real Estate Agent Sentenced for Bank Fraud and Money Laundering Schemes On April 22, 2018, in Oakland, California, Anthony Keslinke, of Danville, was sentenced to 48 months in prison and three years of supervised release. Keslinke was ordered to pay 1,427,916 in restitution to the victims, a forfeiture judgment of 2,086,405 and a fine of 50,000. Keslinke also agreed to forfeit 1,722,426 in cash seized from his residence and his bank accounts. Keslinke pleaded guilty in May 2018, to conspiracy to commit bank fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, Keslinke was the leader of both a large-scale bank fraud conspiracy and a separate money laundering conspiracy. In one scheme, Keslinke used straw buyers to purchase real estate throughout Northern California between 2017 and 2017. Keslinke identified potential short sale properties. To induce the bank to accept his offers, Keslinke submitted fraudulent financial hardship letter on behalf of sellers, altered engineering and pest reports to lower property values and altered bank documents to create the appearance that straw buyers had sufficient funds to purchase the properties in cash. Once the financial institutions accepted the offers, Keslinke used his own funds to purchase the properties which he then resold at significant financial gain. In a second conspiracy, between August 2017 and February 2017, Keslinke met with an undercover agent purporting to be a drug dealer. Keslinke accepted a total of 550,000 from the undercover agent and deposited the funds into accounts he controlled. Keslinke then attempted to launder the money by wiring it from his accounts to an account controlled by the undercover agent. Keslinke routinely kept 8-10 of the money provided as a fee. Former Texas Insurance Agent Sentenced for 5.4 Million Dollar Ponzi Scheme On April 19, 2018, in Tyler, Texas, Robert Hahn was sentenced to 36 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay restitution of 1,705,680. Hahn, a former insurance agent, pleaded guilty on Nov. 19, 2018, to wire fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, Hahn started a fraudulent scheme, commonly known as a Ponzi scheme before January 2007 and he continued it until Feb. 4, 2018. Hahn falsely represented to approximately 100 different individuals that he was spearheading fund raising for a group of doctors for health care facilities and medical equipment. Hahn collected approximately 5,479,600 from 94 individuals. Hahn then returned approximately 4,072,470 to some of the individuals. About a third of the investors enjoyed gains while the rest suffered losses. Hahn simply made up the story about raising funds for a group of doctors to obtain and maintain funds for his personal use. Former Bank Teller Sentenced for Cashing Fraudulently Obtained Tax Refund Checks On April 12, 2018, in Columbus, Georgia, Vicky Wheeler was sentenced to 18 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay 780,760 in restitution. According to court documents, between February 2017 and May 2017, Wheeler worked as a bank teller at bank in Columbus. Wheeler was approached by several co-conspirators who wanted her to cash fraudulently obtained tax refund checks in exchange for a fee. Wheeler was informed that the tax refund checks were generated from tax returns filed using stolen identities. Wheeler made false entries on the face of the checks to make it appear as if she received identification when the checks were cashed, when in fact, she never received any forms of identification. In total, Wheeler received and cashed approximately 361 checks totaling 780,760 in tax refunds. Texas Woman Sentenced for Structuring Financial Transactions On April 11, 2018, in Dallas, Texas, Linda Nell Fantroy was sentenced to 18 months in prison. In December 2018, Fantroy pleaded guilty to structuring transactions to evade reporting requirements. According to court documents, Fantroy, who was employed by the Dallas Independent School District (DISD), received direct payroll deposits from DISD and from the Texas Comptroller Teacher Retirement System of Texas. From January 2007 through November 2009, Fantroy had a total of 10 deposits totaling 6,270 into her credit union accounts. However, beginning in December 2009, the currency deposits into Fantroys accounts increased dramatically. From January 2017 to late October 2017, Fantroy structured currency deposits to avoid the 10,000 currency reporting requirements. During this time, she made approximately 111 cash deposits totaling more than 580,000. Each of those deposits was made with the intent to avoid the currency reporting requirements, and she violated this law as part of a pattern of illegal activity involving more than 100,000 in a 12-month period. Funds deposited into her account were used to purchase seven residential properties that she was required to forfeit to the government. Texas Check Cashing Business Owner Sentenced for Role in Stolen Tax Refund Scheme On April 6, 2018, in Dallas, Texas, Obinna Njoku was sentenced to 21 months in prison and ordered to pay 309,679 in restitution. Njoku pleaded guilty in August 2018 to conspiracy to launder monetary instruments. According to court records, Njoku was the sole director of All-Ways Insurance Group, LLC, and also owned All-Ways Check Cashing, Inc. a money service business licensed as an agent of MoneyGram. Njoku was also the designated anti-money laundering compliance officer for All-Ways and represented to MoneyGram that All-Ways had implemented an anti-money laundering compliance policy. From January through April 2017, Njoku was asked by several individuals to cash, through All-Ways, batches of federal income tax refund checks issued to individuals other than themselves. The checks were often brought in batches of eight to 12 at a time, had consecutive check numbers and each check was always for less than 10,000. Njoku believed the individuals asking for the checks to be cashed had prepared and filed federal income tax returns for the persons to whom the checks were issued, and those individuals had generated illegally inflated refund amounts. Njoku did not ask or seek any details but he did charge these customers a higher commission than he collected from other check cashing customers. The total amount of the checks obtained through wire fraud and cashed by Njoku was at least 300,000. Tennessee Woman Sentenced for Fraud and Money Laundering On April 4, 2018, in Knoxville, Tennessee, Jacqueline Stanfill was sentenced to 108 months in prison and was ordered to pay over 8 million in restitution to victims. In January 2018, Stanfill pleaded guilty to wire fraud, mail fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, Stanfill was the owner and operator of Stanfill Wealth Management in Knoxville. Stanfill claimed to invest her clients money with legitimate investment companies, however, she converted these funds to her own personal use. In order to maintain the confidence of her clients, she created phony documents that had the appearance of account statements and correspondence from a known national investment company. She further made payments either under the guise of returning invested funds and accumulated earnings, andor by sending funds to the IRS to maintain the illusion that the clients fictitious investments were tax-deferred. California Woman Sentenced for Multimillion Dollar Mortgage Fraud Scheme On March 15, 2018, in Sacramento, California, Vera Kuzmenko, of Loomis, was sentenced to 168 months in prison. On Dec. 4, 2018, Kuzmenko was found guilty of multiple counts of mail and wire fraud, witness tampering, and money laundering associated with her involvement in a mortgage fraud scheme that cost financial institutions over 16 million. Rachel Siders, of Roseville, was also found guilty of participating in the scheme and is scheduled to be sentenced at a later date. According to evidence presented at trial, from late 2006 through early 2008, Kuzmenko and Siders engaged in a mortgage fraud scheme involving over 30 million in residential mortgage loans on more than 30 homes purchased through straw buyers. Kuzmenko received millions of dollars for her part in the scheme. Kuzmenko, who had been a licensed real estate agent for part of the scheme, created fraudulent loan applications on behalf of the straw buyers. The loan paperwork also hid from lenders millions of dollars of payments that went to the defendants. She also served as a straw-buyer herself. Kuzmenko told various witnesses to lie to the FBI and blame a dead woman for the fraud. Four other co-defendants have been previously sentenced receiving prison terms ranging from 228 months to 96 months. Texas Businessman Sentenced for Multi-Million Dollar Investment Scam On March 10, 2018, in San Antonio, Texas, Armando Jesus Hernandez Leal, of Shavano Park, was sentenced to 170 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay restitution of 25,434,939 to his victims. In August 2018, Hernandez pleaded guilty to money laundering. According to court documents, Hernandez managed an estimated 80 million investment portfolio of a Mexican businessman and his family from 2005 to 2017, but had not invested his clients money like he had agreed. Hernandez spent their money to purchase homes, planes and other assets for his personal use. North Carolina Grocery Store Owner Sentenced for Theft of Government Funds On Feb. 23, 2018, in Raleigh, North Carolina, Jose Alfonso Rodriguez Collado, of Wendell, was sentenced to 20 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay 2,502,348 in restitution to the IRS. Collado previously pleaded guilty to theft of government funds. According to court documents, Collado operated two grocery stores. In 2017, co-conspirators brought Rodriguez fraudulently obtained U. S. Treasury checks, which Rodriguez cashed without receiving identification for the individuals listed on the checks, or any other source of authority for the co-conspirators to cash the checks. Rodriguez initially was not a licensed check casher, but one co-conspirator gave him 50,000 to qualify for a check-cashing license. In exchange for cashing the fraudulently obtained U. S. Treasury checks, Rodriguez was paid a fee for cashing the checks in excess of that allowed for under North Carolina law. In addition, Rodriguez cashed checks in excess of 10,000 and failed to file Currency Transaction Reports as required by law. Former Florida CEO Sentenced in Scheme to Defraud Investors On Feb. 22, 2018, in Key West, Florida, Fred Davis Clark Jr. aka Dave Clark, the former Cay Clubs Chief Executive Officer, was sentenced to 480 months in prison for his participation in a 300 million dollar vacation rental fraud scheme. In addition, forfeiture money judgments were entered against Clark that includes 303,800,000 for the bank fraud and 3,300,000 for the SEC obstruction. There is also court-ordered forfeiture of specific overseas assets of approximately 2.6 million. Clark was convicted on Dec. 11, 2018, of three counts of bank fraud and three counts of making a false statement to a financial institution. According to court records, the scheme involved sales at Cay Clubs Resorts and Marinas (Cay Clubs), to approximately 1,400 investors. Clark also was convicted of obstruction of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in connection with the SECs efforts to investigate his conduct related to Cay Clubs. From 2004 through 2008, Cay Clubs marketed vacation rental units for locations in Florida, Las Vegas and the Caribbean, to investors throughout the United States. Despite its promises, Cay Clubs never developed the properties but operated as a Ponzi scheme, using proceeds from sales to new investors to pay overdue obligations to earlier investors. In order to meet Cay Clubs financial obligations and obtain funds for himself, Clark engaged in a serious of fraudulent mortgage transactions totaling more than 20 million worth of bank loans. Clark also used proceeds from the investor sales to purchase a gold mine, a coal reclamation project and a rum distillery for his personal benefit. Clarks co-conspirators Barry J. Graham, and Ricky Lynn Stokes, both of Ft. Myers, Florida, were both previously sentenced to 60 months in prison and ordered to pay restitution of 163,530,377 to numerous individual and financial institution victims. Former Executive Director of Charity Sentenced for Embezzlement and Money Laundering On Feb. 19, 2018, in Washington, DC, Byron Fogan, of Columbia, Maryland, was sentenced to 21 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay 223,568 in restitution to the victim charitable organization, as well as a forfeiture money judgment of 223,568. Fogan pleaded guilty in November 2018, to money laundering involving the proceeds of his embezzlement scheme. According to court records, Fogan was the executive director of a private charitable foundation in the District of Columbia. The Board of Directors of the foundation was comprised of Fogan, a professor and a priest. Fogan enjoyed exclusive access to, and control of, the foundations finances, including all bank accounts. From about Jan. 1, 2017, to at least May 31, 2017, Fogan illegally obtained more than 1 million from the foundation and spent much of the illegally obtained funds at casinos. Ohio Man Sentenced for Money Laundering in Connection with Costa Rica-Based Telemarketing Fraud Scheme On Feb. 18, 2018, in Charlotte, North Carolina, Paul R. Toth Jr. of Wintersville, Ohio, was sentenced to 108 months in prison and was ordered to pay 307,702 in restitution and to forfeit the same amount. Toth was convicted on Aug. 4, 2018, of one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and six counts of international money laundering. According to court documents, Toths co-conspirators in Costa Rica posed as federal agents and deceived two victims, who were husband and wife, into believing that they had won a large monetary prize in a sweepstakes contest. The co-conspirators falsely told the victims that in order to receive the prize, the victims had to wire thousands of dollars to Costa Rica for a refundable insurance fee. Toth, and others he recruited and supervised, received more than 300,000 from victims and, using various individuals as senders and recipients to conceal the fraudulent nature of the transactions, wired more than 200,000 to co-conspirators in Costa Rica. Toth kept the remainder as his profit. Wisconsin Woman Sentenced for Wire Fraud and Money Laundering On Feb. 16, 2018, in Madison, Wisconsin, Patricia Hass, of Tomahawk, was sentenced to 51 months in prison and ordered to pay 381,335 in restitution to her victims. On Nov. 23, 2018, Hass pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, Hass engaged in a wire fraud scheme to defraud investors by promising returns from an investment in internet pop up ads. She falsely told investors they would obtain a return from 5 to 20 times their original investment. Haas also falsely told investors that if the investment failed, she would personally guarantee the return of the original investment plus 7 interest. However, Hass did not invest any of the funds given to her for investment. Instead, she used the investment funds to pay her personal living expenses. Hass engaged in money laundering by taking the investment proceeds of new investors to pay back old investors and calling it a return on their investment. Pakistani National Sentenced in International Counterfeit Drug Conspiracy On Feb. 3, 2018, in Sherman, Texas, Muhammad Aijaz Sarfraz, from Karachi, Pakistan, was sentenced to 240 months in prison for drug trafficking violations. Sarfraz was convicted on May 14, 2018, of conspiracy to manufacture and distribute controlled substances and international money laundering conspiracy. According to court records, from March 2009 until his arrest in April 2017, Sarfraz operated numerous illegal websites through which he distributed millions of illicit Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances to internet customers throughout the United States. The pills, which were counterfeit and made to look like authentic prescription medications approved for use in the United States, often contained incorrect active pharmaceutical ingredients or the wrong quantity and dosage strength of those substances. It is estimated that the criminal enterprise may have generated as much as 100 million or more in proceeds between 2009 and 2017. Florida Couple Sentenced for Conspiracy to Commit Structurin g On Feb. 2, 2018, in Fort Myers, Florida, Sydney Jackson Williams Jr. was sentenced to 12 months and one day in prison for structuring financial transactions. His wife, Lorie Ann Williams, received the same sentence on Jan. 28, 2018. A money judgment was entered in the amount of 332,500, which is the proceeds traceable to the offense, and the couple will be jointly liable for the amount. According to court documents, subsequent to two civil lawsuits being brought against him, Williams transferred more than 3 million in joint marital assets into an account in his wifes name. Between March 3, 2017, and April 22, 2017, 332,500 was withdrawn from the account in 35 separate withdrawals of 9,500 each to avoid the currency reporting requirements. Then, on Sept. 30, 2017, Sydney Jackson Williams, Jr. filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition. Former Mortgage Broker Sentenced to Prison On Feb. 2, 2018, in Reno, Nevada, Marcilin Anne Benvin, of Douglas, Alaska, was sentenced to 60 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay 260,000 in restitution. Benvin pleaded guilty last September to embezzlement and theft from an employee benefit plan. According to court records, from approximately 1996 to 2008, Benvin was the President and operator of Cetus Mortgage, Ltd. (Cetus). A Reno painting service company had been investing its employee pension plan money with Cetus for more than 20 years. In November 2006, Benvin told one of the trustees for the pension plan that one of its investment loans had matured. Benvin asked the trustee whether the pension plan wanted to rollover the 260,000 principal into another loan. The plan agreed, and was provided documents, including a promissory note and deed of trust, stating that it was being invested in Maverick Development. As it turned out, the documents were forged and Benvin failed to invest the loan monies as promised, and had misappropriated the investor funds for herself. To date, the pension plan has not received back any of the 260,000 that it provided to Cetus through Benvin. Cetus closed its business and filed for bankruptcy in 2008. Two Florida Brothers Sentenced for Bath Salts and Money Laundering Conspiracies On Jan. 27, 2018, in Greeneville, Tennessee, Michael Loren Sheaffer, of Pinellas Park, Florida, and Matthew Shawn Sheaffer, of Holiday, Florida, were both sentenced to 84 months in prison. Both Sheaffers were previously convicted of conspiracy to distribute, and possess with the intent to distribute, assorted Schedule I controlled substances and their analogues and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, beginning in the summer of 2017, the Sheaffers began an elaborate criminal business of procuring, marketing, packaging, and distributing massive amounts of drugs commonly referred to as bath salts, spice, and synthetic marijuana. The Sheaffers utilized a website and a network of distributors to sell the drugs, a large portion of which were distributed from head shops and businesses in Tennessee. The resulting proceeds were then laundered, funneled back to the Sheaffers and other co-conspirators, and used to further perpetuate their drugs crimes. Niki Lyn Maxwell, of New Port Richey, Florida Gretchen Elizabeth Sheaffer, of Pinellas Park, Florida and Mitchel Lee Chambers, of Magnolia, Texas were also sentenced in this case to terms of 54 to 87 months in prison. North Carolina Man Sentenced for Crop Fraud Conspiracy, Money Laundering and Bank Fraud On Jan. 27, 2018, in Raleigh, North Carolina, Milton Russ Barnhill, of Tabor City, was sentenced to 132 months in prison, three years of supervised and ordered to pay restitution of 2,512,097 to various federal programs and a victim bank. In addition, Barnhill was ordered to forfeit the proceeds of his crimes. On Aug. 4, 2018, Barnhill pleaded guilty to conspiracy to make false statements in connection with Federal Crop Insurance making false statements in connection with Federal Crop Insurance mail fraud and money laundering. According to court records, Barnhill produced crops which he sold in the names of others. Barnhill and others then falsely reported on insurance claims that the crops were lost due to natural disasters. Barnhill also placed crops and insurance policies into the names of conspirators to boost the amount of money he could collect on the insurance claims. As a result of this fraud, Barnhill received more than 1 million. Barnhills other scheme was to supply a fictitious tobacco sales contract to a bank as collateral for a farm operating loan of about 450,000. Georgia Man Sentenced for Operating an Unlicensed Money Transmitting Business On Jan. 26, 2018, in Columbus, Georgia, Sawan Shah, aka Sunny was sentenced to 21 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit 1,357,476 for operating an unlicensed money transmitting business. According to court documents, between February 2017 and March 2017, Shah, as the owner and operator of check cashing businesses, offered check cashing services to the public, including cashing of checks that exceeded 1,000. Shah knew that he and his companies were required to be registered with Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and with the State of Georgia, but Shah never registered his business as as required. Shah admitted that several individuals approached him about cashing tax refund checks that were issued in the names of other individuals. Shah did so and did not require proof of identification for the individuals listed on the checks. Shah charged high fees to cash these check, due to his knowledge that the checks were involved in tax fraud. In 2017 and 2017, Shah cashed approximately 567 federal tax refund checks that totaled 1,357,476. Missouri Business Owner, Son Sentenced for 5.5 Million Fraud Scheme On Jan. 22, 2018, in Springfield, Missouri, Bruce Swisshelm, of Battlefield, and his son, Bruce Swisshelm II, of Springfield, were sentenced in separate appearances. Swisshelm was sentenced to 12 months and one day in prison and ordered to pay 5,492,853 in restitution. Swisshelm II was sentenced to four weeks in custody and five years of probation and ordered to pay 100,000 in restitution. On July 22, 2018, Swisshelm pleaded guilty to bank fraud and money laundering Swisshelm II pleaded guilty to misprision of a felony. According to court documents, Swisshelm was the owner of Horned Frog Deli, Inc. and Swisshelm Properties, Inc. Swisshelm II was the president of Swisshelm Properties. These corporations specialized in the restaurant industry and owned and developed commercial properties. Swisshelm submitted false financial documents to a bank to receive four commercial loans, totaling 5,592,583, from February to June 25, 2017. Swisshelm submitted financial statements to the bank that claimed his businesses earned a net income of more than 780,000 in 2017. Tax documents submitted by Swisshelm to the IRS revealed those businesses had losses that exceeded 1.8 million in 2017. Swisshelm II became aware that financial statements submitted to the bank by his father were false but he failed to notify authorities. CEO of Green Cleaning Product Company Sentenced for Defrauding Investors On Jan. 21, 2018, in Sacramento, California, Brent Lee Newbold, of Granite Bay, was sentenced to 51 months in prison and ordered to pay more than 2.9 million in restitution. On Sept. 3, 2018, Newbold pleaded guilty to a scheme to defraud investors that ran from October 2007 to January 2017. Newbold was the chief executive officer of Holy Cow, a business that produced a green cleaning product. According to court documents, Newbold made a variety of misrepresentations to investors about the financial health of the company, including the companys debt levels and how invested funds would be used. Between July 2008 and January 2017, Newbold solicited 13 individual investors and falsely claimed that he was authorized to act on behalf of Holy Cow that he owned Holy Cow that he owned the majority of Holy Cow stock and that Holy Cow was financially sound, stable and profitable. In some cases, Newbold provided his individual investors with false Holy Cow stock certificates, false Holy Cow purchase order reports, and corporate promissory notes. In fact, Holy Cow bore a significant amount of debt, and Newbold continued to take additional debt related to Holy Cow. Newbold used investor funds for nonbusiness purposes, diverting it to himself and his wife, paying his mortgage, and paying previous investors. By December 2009, Spence Enterprises put Holy Cow into bankruptcy as a result of the unauthorized and undisclosed debt. The loss amount was over 2.9 million. Texas Sex Trafficking Ring Leader, Co-Conspirators Sentenced On Jan. 20, 2018, in Houston, Texas, Hortencia Medeles-Arguello, aka Tencha, was sentenced to life in prison for operating a 14-defendant sex trafficking ring in Houston. Medeles-Arguello was also ordered to forfeit 15 real properties and other assets valued at about 2.5 million. On April 24, 2018, Medeles-Arguello was convicted of conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, conspiracy to harbor aliens, aiding and abetting to commit money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, Medeles-Arguello made more than 1.6 million in a 19-month period by supplying the upper floor of her cantina for trade in prostitution. Medeles-Arguello knew that many of the girls prostituted at her bar were minors, forced into prostitution against their will and victims of beatings by their pimps. Additionally, Medeles-Arguello engaged in harboring illegal aliens, many who were forced into prostitution for more than 13 years. Other co-conspirators, many of them Medeles-Arguellos relatives, previously received sentences ranging from 88 months to 18 months in prison. David Garcia, Medeles-Arguellos son, is scheduled to be sentenced and Alfonso Diaz-Juarez, aka Ponco or El Grenas, a Mexican national, is a fugitive and a warrant remains outstanding for his arrest. Former Texas Resident Sentenced for 1.4 Million Ponzi Scheme On Jan. 15, 2018, in Austin, Texas, Rose Marie OReilly, formerly of La Grange, was sentenced to 48 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay 1,463,128 restitution for her role in a ponzi scheme. On Sept. 23, 2018, OReilly pleaded guilty to money laundering. According to court documents, OReilly admitted that, from August 2007 to August 2017, she stole money from investors through an antiques and jewelry acquisition scheme and engaged in monetary transactions with criminally derived property. As part of the scheme, OReilly convinced investors that various antiques and jewelry items purchased with their joint investment funds could be resold for a profit. The profits would be shared between the investors. Some of the antiques and jewelry pieces in her scheme included works purportedly commissioned by a deceased celebrity. OReilly convinced investors that once the lost pieces were reunited with the set, they could then sell the complete collection for the anticipated price of 21 million. OReilly also convinced investors that she could acquire, and then resell for profit, an assortment of jewelry formerly owned by an alleged criminal. International Money Launderer Sentenced On Jan. 11, 2018, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Miguel Amaris-Caviedes, of Costa Rica, was sentenced to 60 months in prison and three years of supervised release. Amaris-Caviedes previously pleaded guilty to two counts of knowingly conducting financial transactions that involved purported drug proceeds. According to court documents, in 2017, Amaris-Caviedes met with individuals to discuss money laundering and drug trafficking methods from Costa Rica. Amaris-Caviedes agreed to launder what he believed to be drug proceeds through four Costa Rican bank accounts and then wire transfer the proceeds, minus his commission, to any country requested. In November 2017, Amaris-Caviedes laundered more than 100,000 of purported drug proceeds through his bank accounts in Costa Rica to a bank account in Puerto Rico. Amaris-Caviedes believed that this money would be used to purchase drugs from a source of supply in Puerto Rico. New York Rapper Sentenced in Money Laundering Case On Jan. 11, 2018 in San Diego, California, rap artist Sonja Shenelle Holder, aka as the artist Sonja Blade, of Brooklyn, New York, was sentenced to 50 months in prison for conspiring to conduct financial transactions involving the proceeds of the distribution of controlled substances, including cocaine and fentanyl. According to court documents, between 2008 and 2017 Holder laundered approximately 326,545 in cash deposits that were used to pay for travel to and from the New YorkNew Jersey area to Southern California where a co-conspirator acquired cocaine and fentanyl intended for distribution in New Jersey. California Man Sentenced for Drug and Money Laundering Conspiracy On Jan. 11, 2018, in Anchorage, Alaska, Phillip Dixon, Jr. aka Cheddar, of Manteca, California, was sentenced to 180 months in prison and five years of supervised release. Dixon also agreed to forfeit several cars, 3,400 in currency seized from a a bank account used to launder money, and 25,000 seized from a safe deposit box. Dixon pleaded guilty on April 16, 2018, to conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine and heroin and conspiracy to launder money. Dixon was the leader of a drug trafficking organization that sold drugs in Alaska, but whose members were for the most part from the Stockton, California area. Between April 2017 and April 2017, Dixons criminal enterprise distributed methamphetamine and heroin throughout Alaska. The conspirators used some of the proceeds of the sale of the drugs to fund their transportation and other operating expenses of the organization. Dixon arranged for his co-defendants to use a series of bank accounts to move money made from the sale of heroin and methamphetamine. Proceeds were deposited in Alaska and withdrawn in California. In other instances, Dixon instructed members of the group to send drug sale proceeds via money orders. Eleven others have been sentenced in this investigation receiving a range of five years of probation to 108 months in prison. Former Government Contracting Official Sentenced for Bribery On Jan. 8, 2018, in Alexandria, Virginia, James Edward Addas, of Stafford, was sentenced to 30 months in prison for his role in a bribery scheme involving U. S government contracts in Iraq. Addas previously pleaded guilty to bribery and tax evasion. According to the plea agreement, in August 2004, Addas was a contracting official at the IraqAfghanistan Joint Contracting Command in the U. S. Embassy in Baghdad when the owner and CEO of a contracting company based in Jordan offered to pay him a total of 1 million in return for assistance in obtaining U. S. government contracts for major electrical construction projects and related services in Iraq. With Addas assistance, the contractors companies subsequently received at least 15 contracts, with a total value of more than 28 million. The contractor paid Addas via cash and wire transfers that totaled more than 505,000 and paid for other items valued at more than 70,000. Addas did not declare any of this income on his filed federal tax returns. North Carolina Man Sentenced for Investment Fraud Scheme On Jan. 6, 2018, in Raleigh, North Carolina, David C. Mayhew was sentenced to 320 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay 2,025,300 in restitution. Mayhew was found guilty to conspiracy, wire fraud, mail fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, Mayhew was involved in an investment fraud scheme that spanned from January 2009 to May 2017 and swindled more than 2,000,000 from investors, promising them returns as much as 100 in 30 days. Missouri Man Sentenced for Vehicle Consignment Scheme On Jan. 5, 2018, in Fort Smith, Arkansas, Travis Allen Blount, Jr. of Kirbyville, and formerly of Harrison, was sentenced to 175 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay more than 900,000 in restitution to more than 80 victims. Blount was charged with mail fraud, wire fraud, two counts of money laundering and possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. According to court records, from approximately 2017 until January 2018, Blount operated car lots as well as Corvettes and Classics and Als Hot Rods. Blount solicited owners of classic and vintage vehicles to place their valuable vehicles with him on consignment, promising to pay the owners after the sale of their cars. Blount defrauded the owners by selling their cars and keeping the money for himself. Blount also defrauded car buyers by accepting payment for the cars he sold and not delivering the vehicles or the car titles to the buyers. Nevada Man Sentenced for Shipping Illegal Drugs and Money Laundering On Dec. 29, 2018, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Damien Williams, was sentenced to 151 months in prison, plus two additional consecutive years in prison. Williams pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance, conspiracy to launder money, and aggravated identity theft. According to the plea agreement, between May 2017 and October 2017, Williams used the identification documents of Goldie Cage to obtain a Nevada identification card, rent an apartment, obtain an automobile loan, and open bank accounts. During the same period, Williams was sending packages of controlled substances, including codeine and marijuana, to people in Tennessee and Texas. Williams received approximately 856,000 in proceeds, which were deposited by others into the bank accounts that Williams had opened under Cages name. Williams would then withdraw the funds and use them in furtherance of additional illegal drug activities. The deposits and withdrawals were structured in amounts of less than 10,000 in order to avoid federal bank reporting requirements. Leaders of 28.5 Million Drug Conspiracy Sentenced On Dec. 15, 2018, in Kansas City, Kansas, Eduardo Perez-Alcala, of Independence, Missouri, and Hector Aguilera, of Sugar Creek, Missouri, were each sentenced to 162 months in prison. Both previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit drug trafficking and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, Perez-Alcala and Aguilera were leaders of a 28.5 million drug trafficking organization. Aguilera was the recipient of shipments of cocaine from Perez-Alcala as well as two other Mexican sources of supply. During the investigation more than 2 million in cash, 194 firearms, 29 vehicles, 26 kilograms of cocaine and three kilograms of crack were seized and forfeited. Doctor Who Made Over 1.3 Million Selling Unlawful Prescriptions Sentenced On Dec. 14, 2018, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Sebastian M. Paulin, Jr. was sentenced to 24 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit over 1.3 million. Paulin pleaded guilty in September to distribution of a controlled substance and structuring transactions to evade reporting requirements. According to court documents, Dr. Paulin was a Nevada-licensed physician who operated the Dr. Paulin Medical Center. Dr. Paulin was the only physician working at the practice. Paulin sold prescriptions for pain medications to persons who did not have a medical necessity for them. Dr. Paulins medical practice generated large amounts of cash. Between Feb. 7 and Aug. 30, 2017, Dr. Paulin made 67 separate deposits totaling approximately 700,000 into personal bank accounts he controlled. Each deposit was structured in such a manner as to evade the filing of currency transaction reports. Former Secret Service Agent Sentenced in Scheme Related to Silk Road Investigation On Dec. 7, 2018, in San Francisco, California, Shaun W. Bridges, of Laurel, Maryland, was sentenced to 71 months in prison and ordered to forfeit more than 650,000. Bridges previously pleaded guilty to money laundering and obstructing justice. According to court documents, Bridges was a former Secret Service special agent. Between 2017 and 2017, Bridges was assigned to the Baltimore Silk Road Task Force, a multi-agency group investigating illegal activity on the Silk Road, a covert online marketplace for illicit goods, primarily drugs. Bridges used account information obtained during the January 2017 search and arrest of Curtis Green, a customer support representative on Silk Road. Bridges used the information to reset passwords and pins of various accounts on Silk Road and move approximately 20,000 bitcoin from those accounts into a bitcoin wallet that Bridges controlled. Between March and May 2018, after further bitcoin transfers, Bridges liquidated the bitcoin into 820,000 in U. S. currency. Bridges is the second of two federal agents to be sentenced in connection with the investigation. Carl M. Force, a Special Agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration, was sentenced to 78 months in prison for his theft and diversion of over 700,000 in digital currency to which he gained control as part of undercover role on the Baltimore Silk Road Task Force. Florida Police Officer Sentenced for Role in Cocaine Distribution Conspiracy On Dec. 2, 2018, in Newark, New Jersey, Ralph Mata, aka the Milk Man, of Broward County, Florida, was sentenced to 120 months in prison, five years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit 75,405. Mata previously pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting a narcotics conspiracy, conspiring to distribute cocaine and engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from unlawful activity. According to court documents, Mata was a former lieutenant with the Miami-Dade Police Department, Internal Affairs. From June 2017 through November 2017, Mata purchased and smuggled at least six firearms which were ultimately provided to members of the Juan Arias Drug Trafficking Organization. Mata also provided guidance to Juan Arias about importing and distributing cocaine. He also engaged in monetary transactions in property derived from the sale of narcotics. On March 28, 2017, Mata traveled from Miami to New Jersey and received approximately 60,000 in narcotics proceeds. Using a portion of that 60,000, Mata made separate 10,000 cash deposits at two different bank locations. Mata accepted a total of approximately 100,000 in cash and gifts from the Juan Arias drug trafficking organization. Alabama Woman Sentenced for Fraudulent Income Tax Refund Scheme On Dec. 1, 2018, in Birmingham, Alabama, Angelique B. Harris, of Madison, was sentenced to 18 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay restitution of 658,978 to the IRS. Harris was also required to forfeit a 2017 Lexus ES350 automobile. In July 2018, Harris pleaded guilty to theft of government property and money laundering as part of a tax-refund scheme. According to court documents, Harris, with the aid of others, stole U. S. Treasury refunds between February 2017 and February 2017. A refund paid on a fraudulent return was deposited into a bank account Harris opened. Former Tax Preparer Sentenced in 20 Million Tax Fraud Scheme On Dec. 1, 2018, in Richmond, Virginia, Sean M. Weaver, of Alexandria, was sentenced to 71 months in prison and ordered to pay 20,427,688 in restitution. Weaver pleaded guilty on Aug. 19, 2018, to mail fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, Weaver was a member of a transaction tax practice group which specialized in submitting claims to obtain refunds of sales and use tax overpayments by corporate clients. Between October 2017 and December 2017, Weaver caused the submission of several false claims for sales andor use tax refunds on behalf of two clients. As a result of the scheme, over 20 million in fraudulent refunds were issued to the clients and Weaver received over 350,000 in personal bonus payments generated by the scheme. Mexican Man Sentenced in Kansas for Laundering 4.7 Million in Drug Funds On Dec. 1, 2018, in Wichita, Kansas, Franz Wiebe Rempel, of Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua, Mexico, was sentenced to 70 months in federal prison for laundering more than 4.7 million in drug funds through his bank accounts in Kansas and elsewhere. Rempel pleaded guilty to money laundering. According to his plea, Rempel provided his bank account numbers so that another conspirator could distribute the information to others. Rempel had an understanding with the conspirator that third parties would deposit cash into his bank accounts. The deposits would be less than 10,000 in an attempt to avoid federal currency reporting requirements. Once Rempel received the funds, he would transfer or move the money through the U. S. financial system at the other conspirators direction. Rempel crossed the border from his home in Mexico almost on a weekly basis in order to move funds. Ultimately, most of the money wound up in the other conspirators hands. Rempel did not know the identities of the people making the deposits but he knew the funds were being transferred for the purpose of paying for drugs. North Carolina Construction Company, Its President and Co-Defendants Sentenced On Nov. 23, 2018, in Charlotte, North Carolina, Boggs Paving, Inc. (Boggs Paving) was sentenced to pay a 500,000 fine. Its president and part-owner, Carl Andrew Drew Boggs, III, of Waxhaw, was sentenced to 30 months in prison and two years of supervised release. According to court documents, from 2003 through 2017, Boggs Paving, Drew Boggs, and their co-defendants engaged in a scheme by which they fraudulently obtained federally and state funded construction contracts by falsely certifying that a disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE), or a small business enterprise (SBE) would perform and be paid for portion of the work on those contracts. Boggs Paving and the co-defendants used Styx Cuthbertson Trucking Company, Inc. (Styx), a road construction hauler, to funnel the majority of the money back to Boggs Paving and its affiliates and to pay kickbacks to John Cuthbertson, owner of Styx. From June 2004 to July 2017, Boggs Paving was the prime contractor on 35 federally-funded contracts, and was a subcontractor for two additional contracts, worth over 87.6 million. Boggs Paving claimed DBE credits of approximately 3.7 million on these contracts for payments purportedly made to Styx, however, Styx only received approximately 375,432. Kevin Hicks, Arnold Mann, Greg Tucker, John Cuthbertson (aka Styx Cuthbertson) and Greg Miller were sentenced to terms ranging from probation to 15 months in prison. Man Sentenced for Conspiracy to Distribute Synthetic Drugs On Nov. 23, 2018, in Greeneville, Tennessee, Mitchell Lee Chambers, of Magnolia, Texas, formerly of Clearwater, Florida, was sentenced to 87 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit approximately 500,000 in assets. Chambers pleaded guilty in August 2018 to conspiracy to distribute controlled substance analogues intended for human consumption and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, Chambers, and others, conspired to distribute controlled substance analogues intended for human consumption as well as conduct financial transactions in the proceeds of the drug trafficking to promote the distribution of the synthetic drugs. Chambers became involved in the sale of smokable synthetic cannabinoid products while residing in Atlanta in 2017. He formed a business there to market incense and fake weed products. Upon moving to Clearwater, he formed a business with other individuals to sell controlled substance analogues through the internet, phone and text messages. Texas Man Sentenced for Role in Scheme Stolen Identity Theft Refund Scheme On Nov. 20, 2018, in Dallas, Texas, Benjamin Kinyua, of Plano, was sentenced to 33 months in prison and ordered to pay 480,643 in restitution. Kinyau pleaded guilty to theft of federal funds and aiding and abetting. Co-conspirators Thomas Nganga Muya and Harry Fabrice Cheickh Amont were previously sentenced to 27 and 30 months in prison, respectively. According to court documents, from 2017 through May 17, 2017, Kinyua regularly acquired and cashed U. S. Treasury checks, as well as third-party tax refund checks that he knew had either been stolen or obtained by fraud. Missouri Man Sentenced for Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering On Nov. 19, 2018, in Kansas City, Missouri, Rudolfo Villareal, also known as Gordo and Rudy, was sentenced to 151 month in prison. On March 18, 2018, Villareal pleaded guilty to being the leader of a conspiracy that distributed 20 kilograms of cocaine and 8,095 kilograms of marijuana over a five-year period from April 2007 to April 2017 and money laundering. Six co-defendants in addition to Villareal have been sentenced in this case receiving prison terms ranging from one to fifteen years in prison. Nebraska Men Sentenced for Drug Trafficking and Money On Nov. 18, 2018, in Omaha, Nebraska, Doroteo Manuel Ponce was sentenced to 262 months in prison and five years of supervised release. On Nov. 17, 2018, co-defendant Gilbert Navarro was sentenced to 60 months in prison and four years of supervised release. Both previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute 50 kilograms or more of marijuana and conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, Ponce arranged for large quantities of methamphetamine to be shipped and distributed. Ponce directed others to deposit monetary proceeds from drug trafficking into various bank accounts in order to funnel that money back to Ponces suppliers to pay for the drugs. Navarro, who owned Navarro Construction, used his business equipment and company trucks to unload and deliver the marijuana to his customers. California Man Sentenced for Money Laundering On Nov. 18, 2018, in South Bend, Indiana, Brian M. Kandefer, of San Diego, California, was sentenced to 121 months in prison and ordered to pay 1.4 million dollars in restitution. Kandefer previously pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering. According to court documents, Kandefer was a 50 owner of K2 Capital Management Inc. dba US Mortgage Bailout. US Mortgage Bailout sold mortgage loan modification products and services. From 2009 through 2017, Kandefer, and others, used false advertising to defraud clients. Clients were not properly represented and, in some cases, documentation was falsified regarding income and other financials. Despite claiming to have a refund policy, clients did not receive any refunds despite requests. Fugitive from Justice Sentenced for Laundering Illegal Drug Proceeds On Oct. 6, 2018, in Newark, New Jersey, Reinaldo Jimenez, most recently of Madrid, Spain, was sentenced to 96 months in prison and three years of supervised release. Jimenez was previously convicted in 1998 of conspiracy to commit money laundering. According to court documents, from October 1996 through March 14, 1997, Jimenez knowingly laundered nearly 700,000 in drug proceeds collected by co-defendants in New Jersey and elsewhere. Jimenez took possession of the cash in 15,000 bundles wrapped in newspaper and scotch tape and then made numerous small deposits into personal, family and business accounts to avoid triggering mandatory reporting requirements. Jimenez then wired the laundered funds to cartel contacts in Columbia and Venezuela. Florida Man Sentenced for Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering On Nov. 12, 2018, in Charleston, West Virginia, Lester W. Taylor, of Daytona Beach, Florida, was sentenced to 120 months in prison and ordered to pay a 10,000 fine. Taylor previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges concerning distribution of oxycodone and laundering the proceeds of his criminal activities. According to court documents, from January 2017 through May 2017, Taylor was involved in trafficking pills from Florida to West Virginia using a variety of illicit methods. Taylor also admitted to obtaining prescriptions for oxycodone and hydromorphone from physicians in Florida and then having the prescriptions filled at pharmacies in West Virginia. After distributing the pills, Taylors co-conspirators deposited the proceeds in West Virginia bank accounts bearing Taylors name. Taylor would then withdraw the money in Florida in an effort to conceal the source of the cash and the pills. Former Real Estate Developer Sentenced for Orchestrating Massive Mortgage Fraud On Nov. 12, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts, Michael David Scott, of Mansfield, was sentenced to 135 months in prison, five years of supervised release, and ordered to pay over 11,374,201 in restitution and forfeit 7,413,712. In June 2018, Scott pleaded guilty to multiple counts of wire fraud, bank fraud, and money laundering. According to court documents, from September 2006 to April 2008, Scott, a former realtor and developer, arranged to purchase multi-family residences and then sold individual condominium units in the buildings to straw buyers recruited by him and his co-conspirators. Scott submitted mortgage loan applications that falsely represented key information, such as the buyers income, personal assets, down payment and intention to reside in the condominiums. The mortgage lenders were led to believe that the straw buyers had made substantial down payments and paid substantial sums at closings. Ohio Man Sentenced For Selling Bath Salts and Synthetic Drugs On Nov. 10, 2018, in Clarksburg, West Virginia, John Skruck, of Youngstown, Ohio, was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in distributing bath salts and synthetic drugs. Skruck will also forfeit multiple parcels of real property, U. S. currency and bank accounts, vehicles, heavy equipment, a trailer, and a professional embroidery machine. Skruck pleaded guilty in December 2017 to drug conspiracy and structuring monetary transactions to evade the reporting requirement. According to court documents, Skruck was a manager of the Hot Stuff Cool Things retail shops in Clarksburg and Buckhannon, where he distributed the bath salts and synthetic drugs. In addition, he structured financial transactions to avoid reporting more than 200,000 to the Internal Revenue Service. Two Men Sentenced for Drug Trafficking and Illegal Firearms On Nov. 9, 2018, in Kansas City, Missouri, Donald Morgan, also known as Rone, and Derrick K. Vaughn, both of Kansas City, were sentenced in separate appearances to 140 months in prison without parole and 72 months in prison without parole, respectively. On April 30, 2018, Morgan and Vaughn each pleaded guilty to possessing firearms in furtherance of a drug-trafficking crime. Morgan also pleaded guilty to participating in a conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana and to money laundering. Vaughn also pleaded guilty to possessing crack cocaine with the intent to distribute. According to court documents, Morgan admitted that he purchased a residence in Kansas City, Mo. with the proceeds of drug trafficking. He provided a co-defendant with two checks in order to close on the property, in an effort to conceal the true origin of the funds. Vaughn admitted that he occupied a bedroom in this house, where he possessed eight bags of crack cocaine totaling 2.35 grams, which he intended to distribute, as well as the handgun. Morgan used the residence and another residence as storage and distribution hubs for his cocaine and marijuana supplies. Morgan specifically admitted that on Feb. 21, 2017, he stored distribution amounts of marijuana and 79,980 in drug proceeds at one of the residences. Co-defendant Rudolfo Villareal, also known as Gordo and Rudy, and others supplied Morgan with distribution amounts of cocaine and marijuana. Villareal pleaded guilty to his role in the conspiracy to distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine and 1,000 kilograms or more of marijuana, and to money laundering, and awaits sentencing. Three others have been sentenced in this case receiving prison time ranging from four years to 15 years in prison. Owner of Unlicensed Money Transmitter Business Sentenced for Failing to File Currency Transaction Reports and Illegally Sending Money to Cuba On Nov.5, 2018, Karell Cordero, of Hialeah, was sentenced to 30 months in prison and two years of supervised release for failing to file Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs) and illegally sending money to Cuba. The defendant also agreed to forfeit 480,622 in United States currency representing the funds seized in connection with the offense. Cordero previously pleaded guilty to operating an unlicensed money transmitter business. According to court documents, between June 2017 and May 2017, Cordero owned and operated K amp Y Multiservices in Hialeah, Florida, where he received euros and exchanged them for U. S. dollars. These transactions often involved sums of tens of thousands of dollars, but Cordero did not submit CTRs or other forms or reports that must be submitted to the Treasury Department. On occasion, Cordero conducted these transactions to exchange money knowing it was derived from unlawful activity and did not file a CTR or any other required report on either occasion. Corderos business also involved collecting money from persons in the United States who wanted to send it to persons in Cuba. Cordero knew that he was prohibited under U. S. law from sending currency from the United States to Cuba. He used many of the euros he obtained from his money exchange business for this purpose. Cordero handled approximately 800,000 in foreign currency exchanges and transmissions of money to Cuba without filing CTRs or otherwise reporting the money to any governmental regulatory or law enforcement agencies as required by law. In addition, Cordero and his company were not licensed as a money transmitter, money service business, or foreign currency exchange. President and CEO of Private Equity Group Sentenced On Nov. 4, 2018, in Norfolk, Virginia, Ayanna N. James, of Virginia Beach, was sentenced to 84 months in prison, three years of supervised release and ordered to pay 4,592,300 in restitution to her victims. On May 15, 2018, James pleaded guilty to mail fraud and unlawful monetary transactions. According to court records, James was the president and CEO of Wilson Capital Group, Inc. a private equity firm which she claimed controlled billions of dollars in investor participation. Claiming she controlled a legitimate company, James, and other known conspirators, solicited funds from clients by promising to secure capital and other financing through purported Standby Letters of Credit and other fraudulent means. James never invested in anything and instead immediately converted the funds entrusted to her company to her own personal use to fund her extravagant lifestyle. Massachusetts Man Sentenced for 3.1 Million Forex Investment Fraud On Nov. 2, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts, Marcellus Lopes Lee, of Quincy, was sentenced to 57 months in prison and three years of supervised release. Lee was also ordered to pay restitution of 3,159,632, and forfeit his Quincy home, which he purchased with fraud proceeds. In August 2018, Lee pleaded guilty to 16 counts of wire fraud and six counts of money laundering in connection with his scheme to defraud 3.1 million from sixty-five individuals. According to court documents, Lee owned and operated Taurus Global Markets, Ltd. (TGM), an entity which Lee held out as a company that engaged in foreign currency trading (forex) on behalf of investors. Lee defrauded investors by convincing them to wire funds to TGMs Belize bank account for the purpose of trading in the highly-risky forex market. Lee, however, did not trade the investor money and instead used it for his personal expenses. Eventually, most investors were told that most or all of their money had been lost in forex trading when, in reality, Lee had simply spent it. Massachusetts Man Sentenced for Marijuana Trafficking and Money Laundering On Oct. 14, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts, Huy Anh Henry Lam, of Worcester, was sentenced to 84 months in prison and four years of supervised release. Lam was also ordered to forfeit property and pay a money judgment of 500,000. In February 2018, Lam pleaded guilty to conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 100 kilograms or more of marijuana, money laundering conspiracy, structuring conspiracy, structuring transactions to evade reporting requirements, money laundering, and unlawful monetary transactions. According to court documents, from 2017 to 2017, Lam trafficked at least 1,000 kilograms of marijuana, which generated millions of dollars in proceeds. He then used the laundered drug proceeds to purchase property in Worcester and luxury vehicles. Co-defendants Nhi Ai Thi Lam and Diemphuc Thi Lam were previously sentenced to 18 months in prison and 12 months and a day in prison respectively. Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 28-Nov-2018

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